Crosses to Bare

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Over a year prior, Camie POV:

"What did you just say?"

"I said, please go out with me." I met Shishikura the first day of school. We were in the same class with us hardly speaking to one another. Whenever he'd look at me, he seemed to hold a very serious face compared to everyone else. I kinda figured that was just him being well...him.

"Yeah, I get that, but why? We both barely  know each other, fam. Don't tell me that you got the hots for me since day one."

"Well umm..."

"...Oh snap. Hit that one on the head." I came from a pretty normal family if you can call it. My dad worked overseas, my mom worked at a local department store, and I was the only child they had. I guess up till now, I had a normal life compared to most with nothing really big standing out with me. Guess that was why I tried to talk street. Just to try and stand out a little compared to everyone else. "You do know we can't really date cause of our school's uber lame rule, right?"

"I-if we do it in secret, they can't punish what they do not know."

I thought about this really hard that day. I don't know if it was the thrill of doing something I shouldn't or just wanting something to spice up my boringly normal life that interested me. "Ok then. I guess we could give it a shot." I accepted it and in my mind, I was kinda looking forward to this experience.

For at least three months, we went on dates and everything outside of school. We even tried to go overboard to avoid wearing obvious stuff if someone from school saw us. This led finally to us doing the deed. I thought it was enjoyable just cause I was told sex was one of the things you do to hold someone close to you. With this, I felt...happy and safe. This though was my first mistake.

About a week after this, Shishikura started acting a little odd. He'd normally act more aggressive and think us doing it was the norm. I didn't have as much issue since I didn't think it was that terrible. The girls at Shiketsu all talked about how free they felt with some random hook ups they had for me to kinda get hooked on the feeling of sex myself. This led us to doing it at school to make my second mistake at Shiketsu.

"I cannot let this stand. You both have not only insulted our school's reputation, but also defiled our school grounds." Thanks to our little antics, we were eventually caught by the principal of all people. He glared at us with irritation before pushing forward two expulsion sheets. "As to our policy, we need to hold our standards strong. If this was a simple relationship, we'd try and overlook it if you aren't causing problems. However, the acts you've displayed are past any form of overlooking we could offer. As such, I will give one ultimatum. I genuinely hate expelling students. So as such, I can give this as a way out. If this was an idea that only one of you came up with and the other agreed to it, I'll only expel that one. It might not be the option you both want, but at least one of your lives won't be ruined."

I heard this to know this was Shishikura's idea. This was a crap call on both our ends, but Shishikura had been working harder than me to be a hero. He had better grades, a better quirk for a hero and wanted to be this for a longer time. I honestly only decided to be a hero in middle school cause I thought it would be cool to show my dad I'm a pro when he came back. 'Well, mom always said to take responsibility. At least I can protect-'

"This was all Utsushimi's idea." I was cut short in my thoughts hearing Shishikura's comment. "I asked her several times to not do it on school grounds, but she refused to listen and pulled me into the stall to do this." I was in shock. Yeah, I screwed up. But that was without a doubt not what happened. I was the one saying it might not be a good idea doing it today, but Shishikura was the one that said we should and kept bugging me to do it.

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