Try and Kill Me pt5 N.R

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Your POV
After yesterday's events, it was safe to say that the entire class's relationship got a lot closer. Students were a lot more open and sadly, the class was getting harder to control since everyone was a lot more comfortable with one another, shouting from one end of the classroom to another.

I thought Natasha was going to help me control the class, but she did just the opposite. Whenever I would raise my voice to get the class quiet down, she would try to appease me by kissing me on my cheeks, making me blush in front of the class and the students would cheer loudly defeating the purpose. If this class was in the original building, complaints would be coming my way for disturbing other classes.

"Enough! Get back to studying. The examination is only two weeks away." I cleared my throat and told them. Typically, the week before the examination is study week and no students need to attend any more classes but since the majority of them still needed some counselling, I opened up the class for anyone to return to school since it was the only space that was large enough to contain the number of students I have. This was the final week of teaching the curriculum and it was important that they got all the details down.

"Wait a minute!" Nat interrupted the class and I looked at her. "Thanks to my special skills, I have found the usual textbook where the dean and principal get their questions for the exams from. Though it may still be one in a many, I'm sure if you try to complete some of the questions in the list of books I gave you, not all marks would be lost."

The students groaned at the additional work given to them. "I know I know, it's another workbook to do, I'm not asking you to finish all of them, just a couple each topic that you're weak in. It's not compulsory, but only you know where you stand." Nat reasoned with them. It's amazing to see how she uses her persuasiveness in the classroom outside from her regular interrogation I normally see.

Seeing as there was no further disagreement or complaints, Nat and I began making our way to the students and started our one-on-one sessions with students while the others waited for their turn.

Two weeks towards the examination is long, but it isn't short either. Apparently, there was a study done on one of the schools that, if students were given one more week, most of them believe that they would do better. However, we can only work with what we are given and hope for the best.

Time passed in a daze and suddenly, it was the last day of examination and it was everyone's dreaded subject, Mathematics. Exams were done in the main building and the classrooms were cleared out of any decoration that could be used for cheating. "Hey, look! The last class has arrived." One of the students shouted from the window of the classroom. As it so happened, the class was situated at the end of the hallway.

"Hey, it's alright if you fail the exams, perhaps you can come to my parent's company and work for them, do the chores?" Him and his friends laughed as he threw a suggestion.

Kieran was having none of it and grabbed his collar, pulling him out through the window. "Don't act all high and mighty. We all know it hurts more when you fall to the ground."

"Don't forget our bet." Erik said after looking at his friend that was lying on the ground.

"We won't. You're going down." Kieran ran his thumb across his neck before pointing it down while glaring at him.

Each teacher is not supposed to invigilate their class so after settling them down in their seat number, I was supposed to leave. "Remember guys, look at the question carefully. Hunt for the hints in the questions and use it to get your points. No pressure, but remember what's at stake for this." I reminded them once more before leaving. The invigilator was already here to give out the papers and was staring at me.

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