Chapter 1: Homecoming

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Moonlight slanted across the elegant hand-tiled floor, making the white areas gleam brightly and reflecting an eerie glow on Sabrina Devon zu Tassan, Princess of Bathir, as she gazed out the window at constellations she would probably never see again. As homesick as she had been the past five years, part of her was sorry to be leaving this assignment—but she wasn't sure how much of that part belonged to her husband, who would have preferred to stay. Life as the first Praxatillian ambassador to the Wayfarer Homeworld had been one long, difficult diplomatic dance for Sabrina, but Niavar, Prince of Bathir—familiarly known as Ford—had moved easily in both the diplomatic and academic circles of Marna'amat, Homeworld's neighbor planet and home to all embassies in its solar system.

Sabrina and Ford had been the first occupants of Praxatillus' new embassy, but now they were leaving it in the capable hands of Ford's brother Yirdahn, who combined Sabrina's capacity for grueling work with Ford's social instincts. Sabrina was confident that Praxatillus' interests could not be in better hands. She was less confident about her next role, and one hand rose to twist a curl of her long white hair.

"Four staff, two children, two cats, and—ah, there you are. One and a half princesses," Ford said as he entered, consulting a datapad. "I believe we are at last ready to embark, at your convenience."

"We could have been ready hours ago if you hadn't cancelled my wake-up call," Sabrina pointed out, turning to face him with a smile.

"You're sleeping for two. I invoked my parental rights to make sure my daughter got a full night's sleep," Ford replied.

"Is this what things are going to be like at home? You're going to constantly override my authority based on what's best for the baby?" Sabrina asked, only half joking.

"No," Ford promised, shaking his head as he came to stand beside her. "Just indulge me until we're safely home."

Sabrina sighed. She had wanted to go home aboard the Wayship Khediva, but attacks by the invading Kyan had killed at least six Wayfarer pairings in the past solar year. Wayship travel was now restricted to areas known not to be involved in the Kyan incursion, and taking a Way from Homeworld to Praxatillus was not deemed safe. Ford's brother Baldaran, King of Praxatillus, had sent the brand new royal yacht, Crown of Tassan, instead, since faster-than-light travel was less likely than Way travel to fall prey to Kyan attacks.

"Why can't Mara blip us home?" she complained, though she already knew.

"Homeworld isn't comfortable enough with Mother yet to let her wield the Crystal in Homeworld space," Ford said patiently. "You're talented, darling, but not a miracle worker. Come on. You missed your afternoon nap, and there's a great big comfy bed waiting in our stateroom."

Sabrina made a face at him. "Save the parenting for after she's born. Are the kids doing okay up there?"

He grinned apologetically. "Just fine. They're getting the grand tour. I promised to let them have the cats tonight if they're good."

Sabrina shook her head, smiling. Ford was a great favorite with her assistant's two children, but so were the pair of Earth cats she had adopted. Though technically a security measure since they could smell the biological devices Kyan used to suborn people, they were primarily much-loved and indulged pets.

Andar Sastarn, their chauffeur, stuck his head in the door. "Excuse me, your highnesses," he said, "but should I begin preflight?"

"Yes," Ford replied. "Is Lyrabeth done with the consoles?"

"Yes, just now," Sastarn replied. "We're all set. Ready when you are."

"We'll be right there," Sabrina told him.

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