Chapter 11.3

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Ford and Sabrina managed to snatch an hour alone together after Ranja dragged a very unwilling Seuréa out to help with the chores, but all too soon it was time for him to go. Sabrina began weeping as soon as he stood up, wiping angrily at her eyes. "I'm sorry. I hate doing this to you."

"You're not making it easy," he agreed, shifting his weight uneasily as he looked down at her. "You don't have a head injury I don't know about again, do you?"

"No. This is all hormonal," she assured him. "I feel like I can't possibly bear it. But I have to, don't I?"

"I'm sorry, darling. But you do. I can't stay here and put you in more danger, and we can't ask our people to go fight if we're not willing to."

"I hate not going with you. And I hate not knowing where you are," Sabrina confessed. "Why did they have to start this now while I can't do anything?"

"I will protest the timing of the invasion if I meet the enemy," Ford assured her. "And I will warn them to steer clear of our next gestational project."

Sabrina gave a half-laugh, half-sob. "You never did tell me how many children you want."

"As many as you can safely have," he replied, pressing a kiss onto the top of her head. "And if that means one, then I won't have any regrets. I will point to my least-favorite siblings as an example to Lily of how lucky she is to be an only child."

Sabrina held out her hands and used Ford's grip to hoist herself off the bed. "At least she'll have cousins."

"Yes. And cousins are very precious." He kissed her. "I love you, and I have always loved you, and I always will, no matter what."

She kissed him back, fighting to speak through her tears. "No matter what."

"Did you love me on Stanos, darling?"

Sabrina looked at him in surprise, then smiled. "I grew to love you on Stanos. And I have every moment since, and will every moment of my life. Why?"

"When Father was talking about the phase shift on Stanos, all I could think about was your face after I broke free of the creature's control."

"Pure joy. It's what I feel every time you come back to me."

"Hang onto that, Sabrina. I will come back to you one more time, and then hopefully never have to leave you again."

"Just—try to be here for the birth," she said, her voice trembling.

"Are you frightened, sweetheart?"

"A little. I don't want to have her here in this little village with two doctors who probably haven't delivered a baby in years," Sabrina whispered. "You promised me state-of-the-art facilities and painkillers and to hold my hand the entire time, remember?"

"I will do my very best," Ford promised. He laid a hand on the baby and smiled as she kicked against his palm. "You hear that Lily? You just be patient until I can get everything squared away. And behave. Let your mother sleep and don't be so picky about what she eats."

"Whoa." Sabrina put a hand to her stomach as the baby moved again. "It feels like she's doing somersaults in there. I don't think she's going to listen to you."

Ford knelt down to kiss the baby. "Be good," he said sternly. "I love you, but you can't be making your mother unhappy. I love her too, you know."

Sabrina smiled through her tears as he stood again. "I appreciate the effort," she said.

"Come on." Ford took her hand. "Let's not draw this out. Brave face for the staff, darling."

Sabrina took a deep breath and wiped at her eyes with her free hand. "Okay."

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