Chapter 8: Blood and Tears

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"We cannot procure the materials we need here," Tirqwin said as Ford, Lien, and Cynthia appeared on the control deck. "We must go forward to our own time and to a planet with crystal-based technology. Ah, Doctor Grayson. It is good to see you again. Were you able to find the information we need?"

"Yes. How's that head injury?" Cynthia said, eyeing him closely. "Ford tells me you had a rough trip, with more in store." She carefully set down her laptop bag and duffel and went over to him as Ford and Lien set their piles of books and medical journals down.

Tirqwin sighed a little, but he bent so that she could look at the cut on his head, already healing. "I am recovering. We must be leaving shortly, Doctor. I am afraid you must depart."

"I'm going with you," Cynthia said.

"Niavar," Khediva complained, "what part of my instructions did you not understand? Or has your own head injury impaired your memory?"

"Khediva, you lived with Scotty and Sabrina. How can you be surprised that the rest of their species is as stubborn as they are?" Ford retorted. "Cynthia risked her life to save us the last time. I think we owe her some consideration."

"Taking her into a war zone is poor repayment for such a heavy debt," Tirqwin pointed out.

"Not when I want to go. I want to help Sabrina. I know there are some big obstacles between us and her right now, but I figured in the meantime I can keep Ford alive for her. And then, well, you're going to need a pediatrician, aren't you?" Cynthia turned to Ford. "The baby is half human, after all."

"You do not mean to return to your own life?" Tirqwin asked, startled.

"No. A new start on Praxatillus will suit me just fine."

Tirqwin looked at Ford, who nodded. Then he sighed. "Doctor Grayson—"

"Would you please just call me Cynthia?"

Tirqwin sighed again. "Cynthia, then. No one here has the authority to offer you a home on Praxatillus."

"I do," Ford objected. "I'm the Heir. And even if I weren't, I'd be within my rights to hire Cynthia for Bathir."

"Niavar," Tirqwin said, "do not assist in this insanity. You know what we face."

"You don't know what I face," Cynthia pointed out. "My mother is dead. I haven't seen or spoken to my father in years. My work was my life, and now I'm losing that. I have nothing on Earth worth staying for. Worth living for. Let me go and help my friend and her baby."

Tirqwin was silent for a moment. Khediva said, "Ah. My condolences, Doctor Grayson, on the loss of your patient. And the lawsuit. Though it seems your medical license is in no danger, so I do not understand how you are necessarily losing your work."

"Word travels fast. I've lost three-quarters of my patients already, and the suit hasn't even been decided yet," Cynthia said. "A license doesn't do you any good if nobody will trust you. I thought about joining Doctors Without Borders, and if you send me home I probably will. So it's not that I'm leaving behind a nice safe life. I can either find a miserable, war-torn place to help on Earth, or help you. At least with you guys, I'm probably not facing being held hostage or catching some exotic disease."

"We can't guarantee the not being taken hostage part," Ford murmured.

There was a long silence. Then Khediva said, "It is true that Sabrina and Scotty seemed unlikely to help in the rescue of the Inheritor. But we would not be alive if they had not been with us. Perhaps we should not discount the value of a resourceful Earthwoman."

"I'll do anything," Cynthia said, then paused. "Um, you're not going to expect me to steal nukes for you, are you? Because I'm not real sure where to start with that."

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