Chapter 11.4

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Ford could hear the crowd inside the town hall half a block away. As they made their way along the main street, which followed the small river at the floor of the valley, he said to Stecklan and Reya, "I'm going to sort out those who might know about Sabrina. They have to stay here; I can't risk them coming into contact with the enemy and being mindprobed. No one is to mention Seuréa. Reya, we will not be identifying you other than your nickname, and if anyone asks you about your background or seems to be curious about you, tell them you are an operative from an allied world or something. But do not identify yourself. Fortunately I have a reputation for running around with galactics, so I hope people will not think it odd for me to have an alien in tow."

"It was not generally known that I was at Bathir," Reya said. "I will avoid identifying myself as a target. I do not wish to cause Baldaran distress."

"Good." Ford squared his shoulders. "Let's go."

He was gratified by the reaction when he walked into the large hall. The entire town appeared to be gathered there, and the adults all scrambled to their feet, while the children stared wide-eyed. "Look! It's the prince!" one little boy said loudly and was quickly shushed by his mother and older sister.

"Please be seated," Ford said, smiling. "I am sorry to surprise you; this is not an official visit. I am here to ask for your help. I know the hillfolk of Bathir are unsurpassed in their strength and perseverance, and that is why I have asked Mayor Birst to gather you all here. Mayor, is this everyone?"

"Yes, sir," Birst said, "except old Greiner, who can't leave his bed, and his granddaughter who looks after him."

Ford continued, "I presume you have all seen the princess' message by now?" Affirmative murmurs answered him. "Good. The three of us are on the way to answer her call to arms, and we will gladly take volunteers with us. But first, I must ask you what may seem like an odd question. This is critical. I am here to raise recruits, but there is a reason I am in Vahreen specifically. Those of you who know, or suspect, that reason, please raise your hands."

The mayor raised his hand, and hesitant hands went up among the crowd. Ford noticed that most of them were women, though a few of the older men raised their hands as well. "Good. It is important that you be completely honest about this. If you know my secret, you must not be allowed to come into contact with the enemy. But you will still have a chance to do vital work if you wish to."

A few more hands went up, this time among the younger adults.

"Thank you," Ford said. "Those of you who have not raised your hands and wish to volunteer to fight in the resistance, please go outside with Subcommander Stecklan. He will begin finding out your skills and experience and sorting you into teams. Please understand that I do not expect everyone to volunteer. Particularly, those of you with young children are exempted from any expectation. Also, we are not necessarily asking you to pick up a weapon and attack the enemy. There will be many tasks involved in taking back our capital city and the palace. Think carefully, please, before making your choice."

About twenty men and women, mostly young adults, got up and headed for the door immediately. Most had come prepared; they were carrying rucksacks and left their families with only brief good-byes. A few had apparently made a last-minute decision and provoked some protest from their loved ones. Stecklan followed the group out, exchanging nods with Reya, who had gladly accepted Cynthia's weapon before she left and now took Stecklan's place at Ford's side.

Ford said, "I do not wish to rush you, but those of you who remain in this room will be given information that will make you ineligible to volunteer. However, I repeat, you will still be able to perform a vital service by remaining in Vahreen."

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