Chapter 1.5

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A moment later, they were standing in the royal suite. Ford went off to dig through his wardrobe, while Ranja led the way into Sabrina's dressing room, saying, "We took your best hairbrush, but the old one's still here. It'll have to do until I can replace everything."

Sabrina sighed as she sat at her dressing table. "There goes the budget."

Mara smiled. "At least you won't have to pay to clothe the baby. Your citizens will provide blankets and just about every piece of clothing you can imagine. You'll be showered with gifts."

"Prophecy, or experience?"

"Experience. I never bought clothes or shoes for Niavar until he was about three," Mara remembered. "And we were poor then. I can only imagine what Bathir will do to welcome their princess! Oh, I should warn you: you'll need to hire someone to deal with all the applicants for my granddaughter's household."


"You'll need at least two nannies, one for day and one for night," Mara said. "A governess later on. Maids to deal with cleaning her room and maintaining her wardrobe. And considering our situation, you may also want to give her a bodyguard."

Sabrina blinked. "A bodyguard? She isn't even born yet!"

"For after, of course. Major Kendara will serve while there is only one body to guard. But once the baby is born, you will not be able to be with her at all times."

Sabrina swallowed hard as reality began to invade her warm and fuzzy dream of motherhood. Mara continued, "A pediatric chef for after she is weaned. You should let your own chef do the hiring, however, to avoid problems. I learned that the hard way!"

Ranja glanced at Sabrina in the mirror, and Sabrina said, "Ranja, it sounds like you need to hire a hiring manager."

"Yes, ma'am," Ranja said. "And I thought it was hard having babies as a commoner!"

"Yes, you made it look much too easy," Sabrina said unsteadily.

"I do not mean to upset you," Mara said.

"No, I should have thought about it before. I remember before Seuréa was born, how people competed for the chance to be in her household. But my child won't have her own household."

"She will to some extent. You will be excused from public appearances immediately after the birth, but people will want to see you among them after that. Even if you take the baby with you, you must have someone to care for her while you are mingling."

Ford came in, wearing a suit in Bathir's colors of blue and gold. "Mother, stop it. Let Sabrina cling to her illusions while she can."

"At least you will not have to worry about playmates," Mara said, relenting. "She will have little Miss Cadolar in-house, as well as her cousin Annamarie."

"Yes, and little sisters soon after, we hope," Ford said.

"You don't want a boy at all?" Sabrina said, surprised.

Mara laughed. "He is afraid his son would be just like he was as a boy!"

"Miahn names descend through the women," Ford pointed out. "Everyone will be pleased to have the Devon dynasty in Bathir for at least two generations."

"There," Ranja said, tucking one last curl into place with a watergem hair comb. "I'm glad we didn't take everything."

"Me too," Sabrina said. "Thanks, Ranja."

"If you don't mind, I'll run ahead and take my place with the staff," Ranja said. "I want to see their faces!"

"Go ahead," Ford said, smiling. "I can't wait myself. Mother, are you coming?"

"I will leave this moment to you, my children. But I will be back for dinner." She kissed Sabrina, then Ford, before she vanished.

Kendara said, "I've put in a request for a relief bodyguard until Lien gets back, but until he gets here, please stay together, your highnesses."

"I don't think any of the staff are going to try to kill us," Ford said, offering his arm to Sabrina. "Particularly not once they see us!"


Their welcome from the staff was all Ford had hoped for, with some of the younger ones actually jumping up and down once they caught sight of the royal couple. Even the normally dignified Chamberlain could not contain a smile, and he made no move to curb the unrestrained applause. Ford tried to speak three times before he could be heard; he thanked them for their welcome, told them they were expecting a princess, and dismissed all but the department heads and Ranja. The reduced group adjourned to the little parlor to one side of the entry hall.

"As you can see," Ford said, "we have some work to do. Ranja, before we get too far into hiring staff for my daughter, I need a new personal assistant, since Reyvan elected to stay with the embassy."

"Yes, sir," she replied. "I also made some notes about the Guardian's suggestions for staff."

Housekeeper Ruallin Sheza said, "Your highnesses, additions to the household staff fall under my purview, and I will be happy to shoulder as much of the interviewing process as you see fit."

"Thank you," Sabrina said. "At least as far as the maids and any cooking staff go, I plan to leave that entirely to your discretion. I will want to choose the nannies, however. I'm happy to do so from a list of finalists you select."

"Yes, your highness. Thank you," Sheza said, beaming.

Groundskeeper Faran Estess said, "Your highnesses, work has been proceeding on a special hybrid tea rose to honor your return, but with your permission, we would like to dedicate it to the little princess."

"Certainly," Ford said. "In fact, I have some ideas about a children's garden, similar to the one at Dansestari. Let's set up a meeting for later to discuss it."

"Yes, your highness!" Estess said.

The Steward, Owren nar Seith, said, "I understand the official announcement has been made on vid, but there is still the ceremonial announcement to the legislature. One or both of you should be present if possible."

"Both of us," Sabrina said. "I plan to enjoy my moment of triumph."

Everyone chuckled as Ford laughed. "Not letting me have all the credit, and rightly so. I warn you, you have to put the regalia on!"

"Ugh." Sabrina turned to Aran nar Nurdur, the Chamberlain. "Really? All of it?"

He smiled. "No, your highness. One of the smaller crowns and your chain of office will suffice. We do not want to subject you to undue stress, after all."

"Or draw attention from the baby," Ford added. "I know we have been out of touch for a while, so if there is anything urgent, we would like to hear about it now. But we will be scheduling meetings with all of you for more in-depth reports tomorrow. We are hosting the Ruschars for dinner tonight, and also my parents and the Inheritor. I know some of you would like to go begin preparations for that."

The Housekeeper's eyes widened. "Yes, your highness, if I could be excused immediately?"

"Dismissed with thanks, Housekeeper Sheza," Sabrina smiled. "Everyone else, if there's nothing urgent, please coordinate with Ranja about tomorrow."

"Yes, your highness," they all replied.

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