Chapter 1.2

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Sabrina became aware of someone screaming. A second later, she realized it was her own voice and stopped, swallowing hard. She couldn't move or open her eyes; a cry of distress escaped her as she struggled.

"Sabrina! Calm yourself. You are safe," a voice said. Two warm hands framed her face, stroking her hair. "You are safe, and your baby is safe. Calm down."

Sabrina sobbed in relief, then found herself unable to stop. Something was removed from her eyes, and suddenly she could see and move. She looked up into the face of her father-in-law and friend, Tirqwin.

"Sabrina, please, calm down," he soothed. "This is bad for the baby. Sssh. You are all right. I promise."

She reached up her arms, and he lifted her gently into a hug. She wept into his shoulder for a moment, breathing in his familiar scent and Wayship's atmosphere, letting them calm her.

"Ford?" she managed to ask.

"He will be fine. Everyone survived," Tirqwin said, "even the cats. We have you all."

Sabrina sat back and took a deep breath, trying to get herself under control so he would give her a full report. "I called you."

"And we came, naturally."

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to endanger you."

Tirqwin smiled, wiping at her face with a soft cloth. "Khediva and I have not lived this long without developing a sense of self-preservation, Sabrina."

"Dear child," Khediva said, "do not worry about us. Especially now. I have examined you and the baby, and you are both healthy. Congratulations, my dear."

"Yes," Tirqwin smiled, "congratulations! I cannot wait to meet my granddaughter." He gave her a kiss on the forehead. "Now, if you are well enough, you should move to your room and get some rest."

Sabrina looked around at the familiar Wayship infirmary. "Oh. Yes, of course. How is everyone else? What happened to Ford? Last I saw, he was trapped in a malfunctioning seat."

"Yes, several of them failed to perform as designed," Tirqwin frowned. "Niavar and Major Lien are in stasis awaiting treatment. We gave you and the baby priority, as well as the children. They are well and resting with their parents. Consul Deirian and Specialist Sastarn also came through unscathed. Major Kendara had some vacuum exposure; she finished treatment a few minutes ago. We will begin work on Niavar next. Major Lien may have to wait until we reach Praxatillus; Khediva is uncertain whether we can resuscitate him with the equipment we have aboard."

"But Ford is okay?"

"He will be. He is resilient, and it appears that Major Lien put him into the last functional stasis pod and then attempted to repair one of the others for himself." Tirqwin helped her off the biobed. "I would like to be able to tell him that you are resting when he wakes."

"I want to be here for that," she protested.

"Sabrina, I promise you that he will recover. But the treatment will not be an easy thing to witness. I would rather not distress you."

Sabrina looked up at him, tears brimming in her eyes. "Oh, Tirqwin."

He hugged her again. "Sabrina, you may safely leave him in our hands."

"I know. I'm sorry. I can't seem to stop crying."

He chuckled softly. "That is all right. Fortunately, I have some experience with pregnant women."

Sabrina gave a watery chuckle in return. "But Mara is exceptional."

"So are you, my daughter." He smiled down at her and wiped her tears away. "Come. Everyone is most anxious about you."

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