Chapter 5.5

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Sabrina spent the following day in a whirl of domestic chores, after practically shoving Ford out the door to go work on Khediva's damaged matrix. She had plenty to keep her occupied; she and Ford had managed to complete their meetings with their heads of departments yesterday evening, but there were many details to be worked out.

She hoped that plunging into work would help keep both their minds off the danger to the baby. Once Ford put his mind to a subject, it occupied his whole attention, and she would far rather have him thinking up defensive measures than dwelling on things he couldn't control. For herself, she found that the challenge of expanding their household while not increasing their expenses was a sufficient distraction, at least for significant periods.

The long-abandoned nursery suite had undergone a thorough cleaning the previous day, so Sabrina took a break from wrestling with accounts and went up to look at it. The rooms occupied a substantial part of the palace's third story, directly over the suite she and Ford shared. She was delighted to discover a private staircase connecting the two suites, though she had a feeling Kendara wasn't quite as thrilled to discover a previously unknown entrance to the royal bedroom.

"I'd like to paint," Sabrina said to the Housekeeper, Ruallin Sheza, looking at the faded blue and gold walls. "Do we have to stick to these colors? A nice pale rose would be lovely."

"I believe we can afford that," Sheza smiled. "And the colors are entirely up to you, your highness. Now, as you can see, there's not much furniture left, aside from the crib."

"Yes," Sabrina said without enthusiasm, eyeing the ridiculously ornate wooden crib, complete with rails for bedcurtains and the principality's seal carved on the tall headboard. "I don't suppose...?"

"I'm afraid we should use it. We could paint it," Sheza replied. "Maybe white, with gold trim? That might lighten it a bit."

"Yes, let's try that. We'll need all the linens, of course. Maybe that will help." Sabrina didn't think so, but she knew how important tradition was for the Bathirans, so long starved for an heir of their own.

"We'll have no trouble with that," Sheza said, smiling. "I've already received many inquiries from companies and individuals wanting to know if their gifts would be welcome. Everyone wants to be able to say the little princess sleeps with their blanket or pillows or doll!"

Marketing and endorsement possibilities spun themselves out in Sabrina's head, relics of her Earth upbringing. Unfortunately, cashing in on Lily's popularity would be regarded as gauche on Praxatillus. "Ranja," she said, "remind me to ask the Chamberlain what the proper form is for thanking those who send gifts to Lily."

"Got it," Ranja said, making a note on her datapad.

They heard footsteps on the bare floors in the outer chamber and paused. Sabrina gave a little gasp when Tirqwin came through the doorway. "Tirqwin!"

He gave her a hug, then held her at arm's length. "I am told I am to thank you for my life, yet again. Although I want it made clear that you are not to be endangering my granddaughter for any reason, most especially me."

"I won't," Sabrina promised. "You look tired still. Let's go downstairs and sit."

"No, I cannot stay. I need to get to work. Where is Niavar?"

"Aboard the Adventure, looking at Khediva's old matrix. Do you want to go up? I can have him send the transport capsule for you."

"Thank you. I do not want to tax Khediva any more than necessary; she is still making repairs and running diagnostics," Tirqwin said.

Sabrina broke into Ford's concentration with difficulty and relayed the request. A moment later, the capsule materialized a few feet away. Sabrina said, "Quickly, Tirqwin: why did you go to Avestar? Is Mara all right?"

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