Chapter 4: Royal Appointment

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Baldaran's meeting went late; Sabrina was half-asleep with her head on Ford's shoulder before he joined them in the small parlor adjoining the Residence dining room. "I'm sorry to have kept you waiting," he said.

"Occupational hazard," Sabrina said, trying to stifle a yawn. "Forgive me. We didn't get a full night's sleep. I imagine you didn't either."

"Hardly any at all," Baldaran agreed, leading the way into the dining room. "After the immediate crises were past, we had some planning to do. Our defenses held this time, just barely. If last night was a test, we can expect the next attack to be considerably worse."

"And we need to avoid relying on Sabrina putting up the secondary defenses. Lily gave her a hard time about it," Ford said.

"Repairing and securing the shield generators is our top priority," Baldaran said. "Unfortunately, I have not heard from Mother or Father. I do not know what their status is or whether they will be able to assist us in the next attack."

They seated themselves and paused while the servers put the first course on the table and withdrew.

"Last night also proved that I cannot afford to delay naming an heir any longer," Baldaran said. "Fortunately none of the assassination attempts were successful, but the next ones may be."

"Someone tried to assassinate you?" Ford said sharply, looking up from his plate.

"Yes. The Commander and Prime Minister were also attacked. This was a very well-coordinated plot, timed to coincide with the planetary attack and the attack on Avestar, which is where I assume Mother went."

"Yes. She sensed that Kashmia was in danger," Ford said.

Sabrina said, "I don't suppose we can hope that they activated all their available agents in Dansestari."

"I don't dare," Baldaran said. "I hope you are taking a close look at your security arrangements. Your unannounced return may have caught them off guard, but by now everyone knows you are here."

"We're hiring a security chief and upgrading our systems," Ford assured him.

"Hurry. Already there is a great demand for expertise and equipment in that area. Praxatillus has been at peace for a century, and there has been some panic among those who have never seen war."

"And some among those who have, I would imagine," Sabrina sighed.

"Those who have," Baldaran said, "are Miahns, and not prone to panic. But I am afraid if we do not hear from Mother soon, that may change. All the more reason why I intend to announce my heir today. I notice that neither of you has expressed any curiosity about my choice; I assume you have made your own guess."

"Sabrina is the proven substitute of choice," Ford said. "Our marriage merely saves you the trouble of adopting her."

"One adoption per lifetime is enough," Sabrina said. "Baldaran, are you seriously telling me that none of your siblings is suitable?"

"You know them, Sabrina; what do you think?"


"Too far away, especially when it's not safe to travel. He might be a long-term choice, but he won't do for our immediate purposes. The same is true of Kashmia, even if her marriage into the Avestaran oligarchy didn't add political complications. Most of my younger siblings are involved in their own career paths or too young and untried."

Ford said, "Giantiron shows some promise."

"Yes, he may be another possible long-term choice. But for now, I need someone ready to step into my position an hour from now." Baldaran's tone became grim. "Only the two of you meet that criterion. This is not just about reassuring people; it is about ensuring that Praxatillus will have the best possible defenders and caretakers in the event of my death, which may well take place during one or more crises. Given the need to keep you out of the line of fire, I will not ask you to move to Dansestari. I will send a team down to Bathir to put in place the secure communications you would need to fulfill the duties of the crown from there. It will be wise to do that in any event, in case Palace Royal is destroyed."

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