Chapter 13.3

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The look of horror on Mukryilla's face when they materialized in the second cellar was priceless, Ford thought, but it lasted only a moment. Mara looked around and, seeing no one else there, dropped her disguise. "Commander," Mara said, inclining her head regally.

"Ma'am," Mukryilla acknowledged, smiling. "And Scotty. You're supposed to be assigned to the King."

"His Majesty reassigned me to the Guardian, ma'am," Scotty replied, saluting smartly.

"Of course," she murmured, returning the salute and waving him out of his formal stance.

"How are you feeling, Commander?" Mara asked.

"Much better," she replied. "I was just about to go up and examine the situation from the rooftop. How can I assist you?"

There was a brief commotion as Trixie, having failed to get Ford's attention by prancing around his feet and rubbing affectionately against his ankles, let out a piercing yowl and attempted to scale his pantleg. He picked her up and petted her, turning to his mother. "We've discovered a new type of parasite, an espionage model that doesn't affect its host's cognitive abilities. The cats are the only way we know who might be infected."

"Damn," Scotty muttered. "Just what we need."

"Here," Ford said, handing Trixie over, to her great displeasure. "Just in case."

Scotty let the cat inspect him, scratching under her chin, then handed her to Mara, who did the same. Ford took the cat back with a sense of relief. "Good girl," he said to Trixie, who purred and dabbed at his chin with her paw. "Commander, we've come for your advice. If I were going to take the Inheritor out into the fight, what would you recommend I do?"

"Submit yourself for psychiatric evaluation," Mukryilla retorted.

Ford grinned. "Yes, that goes without saying. But assuming I could convince you it was a prudent and necessary thing to do, how would you advise me to go about it?"

She considered. "We need enough guards to make a phalanx. Fully armored, of course, and heavily armed. Unfortunately I cannot equip us from here."

"I will take care of that," Mara replied. "Anything else?"

"I will take charge of the security team," Mukryilla said. "I want at least four others, but we can commandeer them as we approach the fighting. When do you wish to move?"

"Now," Mara replied. "The sooner we draw the Kyan back to the city, the better. I also wish to encourage those who are fighting." She paused. "Niavar and Scotty will go without helmets; I will put a defensive shield around them to protect them, but their faces must be seen. Between that and whatever else I am doing, I will be fully occupied. The rest of you must defend yourselves."

"And look like we are defending you," Mukryilla nodded. "Citizen Deirian, you are not military, so you do not have the correct training for this sort of mission. Remain here."

Lyrabeth looked like she wanted to protest, but she swallowed hard and said only, "Yes, ma'am."

"Actually," Ford said, "Mother, could you send her back to my lab? She can keep watch for my assistants. I'd feel better if they had someone to guard them."

Lyrabeth brightened, and Mara said, "Certainly." She waved a hand, and Lyrabeth vanished.

"Now that we have determined the roster," Mara said, "we must be properly dressed." She concentrated, and four combat suits appeared, along with what looked like the better part of a small armory. Scotty picked up the incendiary launcher and grinned. "We can't use this in a crowd, Mara."

"You could use it to take down Reissian positions at long range," Mukryilla replied. She grimaced as she bent to pick up a suit.

Mara went forward and laid her hand on her shoulder, closing her eyes briefly. Mukryilla straightened and smiled. "Thank you, ma'am."

"We need you fighting fit," Mara replied. "I am sorry I did not think to do so earlier."

"Mother," Ford said, "what about you?"

"The Inheritor would never wear a combat suit," Mara replied, frowning.

"No, but she'd never wear what you're wearing, either," Ford pointed out, nodding to her severe black suit.

"True," Mara admitted, taking up her disguise again and looking at herself. After a moment's thought, she transformed her clothes into a pale green tunic and pants with silver trim. "And now we must all practice our roles." Her expression became pensive, and she reached over to grasp a fold of Ford's sleeve.

He smiled down at her. "Don't worry, little sister," he said. "That's the guards' job. You and I get to go be heroes!" He stood back so she could access the ladder. "You first."

Mara grinned down at him as she climbed. "You're a very good big brother."

Scotty laughed. "He'll be glad of the practice once Lily starts trying to twist him around her little finger. Maybe with all those cute little sisters, he's built up some immunity."

"I doubt it," Ford said, gesturing for Scotty to follow Mara. "If she looks the least bit like her mother, I'll fold at the first pout."

"Sabrina pouts?" Scotty said in amazement. "I can't even imagine what that looks like."

"It's adorable," Ford said. "Commander?"

Mukryilla looked over her shoulder as she climbed the first rung of the ladder. "We should take Trixie upstairs."

"I'm planning to," Ford replied, bending over to pick up the cat, who was attempting to gain traction on his combat boots without success. She seemed alarmed by the fabric of his combat suit and curled into a little ball around his hand, mewing uncertainly. "It's okay, little girl," he soothed, beginning his climb one-handed. "You're staying here in your nice warm bed where it's safe."

When they reached the main room of the pub, Ford set Trixie on the bar, gave Bennie a quick scratch between the ears, and watched in amusement as Mukryilla sharply called to order a pair of militia members squabbling over a board game.

"How much have you had to drink?" she barked.

"Uh," one of them began, only to be cut off by Darvan.

"They haven't finished a bottle between them, ma'am. Fit for duty if you ask me."

Mukryilla smiled. "Thank you, Citizen Darvan. I will take them off your hands, then. If you will, ma'am?"

Mara waved her hand, producing combat suits for the pair. Mukryilla said, "Go change, and report back here as quickly as possible. And comb your hair—this is a historic occasion!"

They stumbled out of the room, leaving Ford to frown anxiously. "I'm not wild about drunks with guns at my back."

"I will sober them up," Mara said. "Citizen Darvan, am I correct in thinking they were here to secure this pub?"

"Yes, ma'am," he said uncertainly, looking from her to Ford. "I told Captain Tevoris I didn't need them, though. I don't mind being left with just the cats." He looked dubious. "I would offer to come with you, but—"

"I'd rather have you here," Ford interrupted. "I'll be grateful if you look after the cats for me. It would break my wife's heart to lose them."

"Yes, sir. It's my pleasure," Darvan said.

The militiamen came back, fully suited up. Mara laid a hand on each to sober them up, and Mukryilla ordered them into formation on either side of Mara. Mukryilla took point, while Scotty walked beside Ford and Stecklan brought up the rear.

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