Chapter 17.2

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"I have established contact with Shuran," Khediva reported, her voice uncharacteristically unsteady as she and Tirqwin struggled with the unpleasant effects of the massive, uncalibrated Way. "The level of distortion is extreme, but I believe he says that they are unable to communicate with any of the Praxatillian ships. He wants to know if we have any insight into their systems."

"Not sufficiently technical insight, no," Tirqwin replied. "Does Shuran think the High Wayships might be able to change our course?"

Khediva was silent for a few moments. "He is unsure. He is reluctant to make the attempt, as there is significant probability it will destabilize the Way and destroy us all."

"Our destruction is almost inevitable," Tirqwin said. "If Kashi aïé Shuran and Asnefer aïé Shahina could emerge, at least they would survive."

"Shuran is not confident of that. Though High Wayships are able to change their course within a Way they have created, this Way is not a typical one. The energies involved are an order of magnitude greater than in a normal Way, and we are unsure whether it is even possible to break out of it. If we cannot, then putting more energy into the Way would either extend its reach or result in its destruction, neither of which is desirable." Khediva paused. "Shuran has limited visibility, but he is able to see more than I. He says one of the Praxatillian ships is behaving oddly. It appears to be extending its docking clamps in a definite pattern. Do you have any insight?"

Tirqwin tried to remember what Mara might know about Praxatillian methods of communication that didn't depend on transmission. Oddly enough, he knew more about Morse code and flags used on sailing ships on Earth from listening to Scotty than he did about whatever method Praxatillus' vessels might use. He wished for a moment that Scotty was with them, then hoped that Scotty's odds of survival were at least slightly better than theirs. "Do we have an estimate of how many vessels are in this Way?"

"Thirteen Wayships, not counting ourselves," Khediva replied.

"None escaped?" Tirqwin exclaimed.

"The Way was well aimed," Khediva said. "It is hard to make out the Praxatillian ships, especially the smaller ones, but we know of at least sixteen warships. It is probable that several fighters are also here, but too small for us to sense amid the distortion."

Tirqwin did some rapid calculations. It sounded as though the Praxatillian ships they had brought from Avestar had nearly all been engulfed by the Way, since no space forces had been present when they arrived. Whether any other ships that might have been hiding in the outer solar system would be able to approach under these conditions was unknown. There was no way the three and a half billion people on Praxatillus had enough spacefaring vehicles on the surface to escape before the Way destroyed the planet; Mara's strength was considerable, but finite. Before her strength was too depleted to collapse the Way, Mara would choose that option, sacrificing the fleet and Wayfarers to save the civilian population—even if only temporarily, considering the Kyan could just open another Way in Praxatillus' near space. "I do not see a path forward," he admitted heavily.

"Nor do I," Khediva said after a moment. "But that does not mean there is none to be discovered. I have transmitted what I have of Niavar's research project to the other Wayships; perhaps someone will find a solution to the flaws in it. We are also exchanging thoughts and information about previous unplanned emergences. Unfortunately, the ones I have experienced have all involved Maratobia."

"If Mara collapses the Way, she will attempt to do so in a manner that may allow us to escape," Tirqwin pointed out. "I would guess that rather than try to overload the Way with more energy, she will force the end point existing in Praxatillus' space to close. It will take some time for that to ripple forward to us, and it may destabilize the Way just enough for us to force an emergence."

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