Chapter 8.1

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They spent nearly a week in Homeworld space, fitting Khediva with a new matrix, making minor repairs, and gathering components and expert opinions for their phase shifting device. Although Ford's anxiety level interfered with his concentration, he reminded himself that his father was in much the same position, and he tried not to let himself be distracted by useless worries. He was not able to sleep much, though, and spent most of the rest periods talking to Khediva.

"How did you get them to give you a new matrix without making a report?" Ford asked one night, sitting in the storage hold examining the matrix he had built for The Adventure.

"I did make a report. It simply had to be time-sealed," Khediva replied.

"Until the events that destroyed your old matrix happened for them?"


"So, Homeworld in our time already knows we've been attacked?"


"That saves a step, asking them for help. How specific were you?"

"I was as specific and thorough as possible. It is less a damage report than a situation report. They know Praxatillus has been disabled and invaded and that Maratobia is stranded on Avestar. They know what I was able to record of the Kyan's weapon and its effects. I hope that when we return, they may have already addressed some of our problems."

Ford smiled. "Bending the rules, Khediva?"

"It seemed prudent," Khediva replied.

"What did Father say?"

"Tirqwins do not participate in Wayship-to-Shipyard reports," Khediva said.

"You didn't tell him?"

"He did not ask. Just as I did not ask him what was in his report to the Control Board."

Ford grinned. "You've spent way too much time with Scotty."

Khediva was silent for a moment. "Not enough for a lifetime," she said quietly. "I very much hope to spend more time with him."

Ford realized that while he had been obsessing over Sabrina's safety, he had overlooked a whole host of worries. At least Sabrina had a dedicated and talented staff whose sole concern would be her safety; Scotty's job description required him to put himself in harm's way to protect others.

"Your parents do not want you to know this," Khediva continued, almost in a whisper, "but Maratobia has seen that in most probable timelines, she and Tirqwin do not survive this war. I do not know that any action of mine can alter those probabilities, but what I can do to ensure their survival, I will, regardless of what anyone else may have to say about it."

Ford pulled up his knees and hugged them, as if he were a little boy scared of the monsters in his closet again. When the initial shock passed, he said, "Has she foreseen anything else?"

"Many things, with many possibilities attached. Nothing can be clearly predicted with so many actors moving so quickly," Khediva said. "I do not wish for you to begin grieving, Niavar, but merely to forewarn you so that we may be spared the worst, if we can prevent it."

"It's not grief, but terror," Ford said after a moment. "No one I love is safe. The fear is so suffocating I can hardly breathe, much less think. I feel useless."

"I believe that if Sabrina were here, she would tell you to stop fighting it. Let yourself experience the fear, and then let it pass through you."

"Easier said than done."

"Then," Khediva said, "my own advice is to take a sedative, watch some of the Earth vids I intercepted for Sabrina and Scotty while in orbit, and try to sleep. Your mind will work much better if it is allowed sufficient rest."

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