Chapter 12.3

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They had more volunteers for the diversion than they could use, but in the end all the volunteers got was exercise. Ford was right; the building didn't seem to interest the Reissians. He, Stecklan, Reya, and Abons walked unhindered to one of the side entrances; the elaborate scanning system was undamaged and admitted Ford and Reya immediately. Ford had to vouch for Stecklan and Abons, but he was familiar with the procedure, and it went quickly.

"That was unexciting," Reya remarked. "Citizen Abons, come with me."

"Yes, ma'am." He turned to Ford. "Good luck, sir. And...and if I am infected, and they have to put me down, I...I accept that. I'm proud to help any way I can, even if it means dying so they can carve my head up."

Reya said, "I do not require you to be dead in order to perform my scans. In fact, they are more accurate if your brain is active."

Ford smiled at Abons. "See? No dying allowed. While I applaud your courage, Citizen Abons, Bathir needs no martyrs. No life is expendable."

"We will accompany you," Stecklan said. "I do not want to split up until we know what we are dealing with."

"Good idea," Ford said, though he was itching to make sure his lab hadn't been disturbed.

As they walked through the half-lit corridors, Ford realized he now understood Sabrina's reaction when she was asked to speak to history classes or happened to meet someone well versed in her first regency. He'd always wondered why she wasn't flattered by the admiration she garnered, but rather seemed wary of it. Now he knew. Once people started offering to die for you, possibly right in front of you, the prospect of leading them became terrifying. Lien's death would haunt him for the rest of his life; he did not want to add more.

Reya stopped abruptly; Stecklan, who was bringing up the rear, went forward. Ford glanced ahead and saw what had disturbed them: lights were on in Reya's lab.

"Who else has access?" Stecklan whispered.

"Doctor Shkali and Healer Senn, in addition to myself. No one else," Reya frowned. "It cannot be Senn; she went with Princess Marie and would not have left her. Nor would she have brought her here to be in danger. Doctor Shkali must have decided to pursue her research despite the dangers."

"You open the door and stand aside as quickly as you can," Stecklan instructed. "I will go in first. Sir, you and Citizen Abons remain where you are."

"I want a weapon as soon as possible," Ford grumbled, but he made no move beyond shifting to get a better view of Abons.

Reya flung the door open and stepped aside, and Stecklan jumped in, weapon ready. Then he slowly lowered it and stood still. When the weapon fell out of his hand, Ford started to move forward, only to be stopped by Reya grabbing his arm.

"Don't," she whispered. "I believe I know what is happening. Stay here." She paused to make sure he would comply, then went calmly into the room. "Doctor Shkali, calm yourself. We are all friends."

"Ah," Shkali's voice replied. "Then I apologize for my reaction."

Reya looked impatient. "You could at least have spoken to him first and attempted to ascertain his intentions."

"I reacted instinctively. It is not wise to startle me."

Reya looked back into the hall. "Citizen Abons, you may enter. Sir, I am bringing Mikolal out to you; do not cross the threshold."

Ford had never come across an Ooralan fright response, but his curiosity was tempered by the knowledge of what Shkali could do to him on purpose. "Understood."

Reya took Stecklan's arm and towed him toward the door, kicking his weapon out into the hallway as Abons neared her. "Can I help?" he asked. Then he went still, a vacant grin spreading across his face.

Ford said, "Will you be all right without help?"

Reya smiled sharply. "Oh yes. He will not be capable of any aggressive act. Doctor Shkali is all the security we need, assuming the Reissians do not send a squad of female warriors after us. And assuming she does not provoke me unbearably." She finally succeeded in shoving Stecklan across the threshold, where Ford caught him. "Get him away from here and make him walk. The exercise will help his system flush the hormonal reaction. But do not rely on his mental acuity for at least an hour."

"Great," Ford grumbled, leaning Stecklan against the wall and kneeling to grab his weapon off the floor. Then he looked at Stecklan's expression, which had advanced from vacant to goofy. "Would pain stimulus help?"

"He is incapable of feeling pain right now; you would only damage him to no purpose," Reya said. "Go, before you are affected as well. And be careful."

"This building is secure," Shkali called out helpfully. "There are groups of students in some of the labs, however, so do not startle them as you did me."

Reya scowled, but Ford thought he had never heard anyone sound so charming. Then he mentally shook himself. "Good luck," he said, taking Stecklan's arm and steering him down the hallway. He was glad the link wasn't active so he didn't have to hear Sabrina's comments on male susceptibilities; then he remembered how Shkali had endangered Sabrina and Lily for her own ends, and all attraction he felt abruptly vanished. "You're treading dangerously close to treason," he muttered to Stecklan, "considering I have grounds to name her an enemy of the principality for what she did to Sabrina and the baby. Sober up, man."

A frown crossed Stecklan's face, only to fade again. Ford sighed. "Some help you are. Come on; there's a cot in my lab. You can sleep it off."

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