Chapter 5.1

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It was only a few minutes before the door opened again. Sabrina was surprised to see Lyrabeth peek in, carrying a small bouquet. "Is this a good time, your highness? Or would you rather I come back?"

"No, come in, please," Sabrina said, managing a smile. "I didn't know you were coming up to Dansestari today."

"I wasn't planning to, but the Ministry sent me a notice that all off-world assignments are being deferred due to transportation risks. They've put me on leave until that changes, at half-pay." She grimaced as she set the flowers down on a table and sat down in the only chair in the small room. "I shouldn't complain, since after our experience getting here, I'm not in a hurry to get back on a ship. But it does leave me at loose ends."

"You can live at Bathir, of course," Sabrina offered immediately. "I'm sorry to hear about this, Lyrabeth. I know you wouldn't have taken home leave if you'd known you'd be stuck here."

"Well, that's past fixing," Lyrabeth said. "So I checked with Ranja, knowing you'd be expanding your staff. She suggested I ask you if you'd like a lady in waiting, at least temporarily. She said it might be a good idea for you to have someone to go with you to appearances and run errands while she manages things behind the scenes."

"It is a good idea," Sabrina said, "but is that something you're interested in?"

"I'm sure it will be interesting."

"That's a nice diplomatic answer, but it doesn't really tell me anything. I'd love to have you, but not if you'll be unhappy. I'm sure we can find something else."

Lyrabeth hesitated, then sighed. "That's the thing: we probably can't. I know you haven't had time to get briefed yet, but Bathir's economy is based on watergem trade and tourists. There's not a lot of either at the moment. Ranja's being very careful about what she's spending replacing your belongings."

Sabrina was taken aback. The sums of money budgeted to run their household and the palace at Bathir had always seemed ridiculously large to her; the idea that they might have to economize was startling. "Oh. I can see a fun meeting with the Steward coming up."

"And the Housekeeper, yes," Lyrabeth gave her a sympathetic smile. "I promise not to complain, Sabrina, if you're kind enough to employ me. It might not be where I planned my career to go, but it's a good deal better than boredom on half pay. And Ranja never planned to be a princess' personal assistant, but she loves her job. I know we already get along, and I'll be glad of a chance to help you."

Sabrina nodded. "Thanks. I'll have to speak to the Chamberlain before we can make it official, but you're right: I'll need more help. In the interests of full disclosure, there are a couple of things I should tell you."

"Andar said he was arranging for medical transport. What happened? Is it the baby?" Lyrabeth asked.

"Yes, in a way. It's more me, really, but she's at risk. I don't know what's going to happen." Sabrina took a moment to swallow down more tears. "So I don't know how many appearances I'll be making, but an extra pair of hands will be useful, I'm sure. The other thing is that Baldaran is naming Ford and me his heirs later today."

"Ah." Lyrabeth didn't look like that was news. "I don't think that will surprise many people."

"No, probably not. But it does mean we'll be more of a target. So will Bathir, for that matter."

Lyrabeth smiled. "I survived Kuath; you can't scare me off with threats of being besieged at Bathir. I'm sure the staff is already barring the windows, so to speak."

"I hope somebody's thinking about it, because Ford and I haven't had a minute to breathe," Sabrina complained. Then she smiled a little. "You have the added advantage of being a security asset. We're also bringing Princess Marie to live at Bathir, for her safety, and the Inheritor is going to pay us a long visit. You can be my liaison with their households if necessary."

"It will be an honor," Lyrabeth said. "What can I do for you right now, Sabrina? Where's the prince?"

"Khediva and Tirqwin made it back, but half dead," Sabrina said. "Scotty and Ford went up to see if they could help Khediva."

Lyrabeth frowned. "Still no word from the Guardian, then, I take it."

"No. I can't think about it; I start to panic every time I do," Sabrina said.

"I could let Ranja know you're all right and talk to the Housekeeper about the princesses coming to stay," Lyrabeth suggested. "We didn't know you were ill when I left; I'm sure she'd have come herself if she'd known."

"Yes, please let her know I'm all right. Scotty asked Selémahs to come up and look after me, and I'm hoping my doctor will be around in a minute to tell me when I can go home. Oh! I almost forgot about Treva! Will you find out for me if she's conscious yet? And find my doctor and ask him if I can cross the infirmary to see her."

Lyrabeth got up, smiling. "Yes, ma'am."


Shipyard Three was in geosynchronous orbit over the continent nearest the island of Dansestari, so Scotty barely achieved orbit before he had to begin braking maneuvers. Ford sat in silence; Scotty hoped he was thinking about how to help Khediva but guessed that his mind was back in the Dansestari infirmary. "Hey," he said, glancing at his brother-in-law, "she'll be okay until we get back. Sabrina always thinks she can do anything if she wants it bad enough, but once she hits that brick wall with her face, she accepts reality."

Ford snorted at the mental image. "We should have stayed in Homeworld space. It would have been safer all around."

"Not for the thousands of people on Dansestari who would have died last night when the shield failed," Scotty pointed out.

"I'm not sacrificing my wife and daughter for anyone," Ford said. "Not even thousands of anyones. We won't be doing that again."

"You won't have to; we've put all the shield emitters under guard," Scotty said. After a moment, he asked, "Do you want to send her to Tythir? We have plenty of room."

"I desperately want to," Ford said, "but I can't. I couldn't go with her without causing a massive crisis of confidence, and I don't want her to go without me. I don't think she would go, anyway. She's determined that Lily be born in Bathir."

"I'm glad I'm not a prince," Scotty remarked.

Ford snorted again. "You should be. I wouldn't wish it on anyone, much less my own daughter. And I don't even have the luxury of choosing the best suited of my children for the role, since Bathir adheres strictly to the eldest child inheriting everything. I just hope she finds someone she can share the burden with." He rubbed at his face. "Now I not only have to do all the work Sabrina would normally have divided with me, but I have to make sure she takes care of herself."

"You need a watchdog. Hey, maybe Tirqwin or Treva could spend their recovery time at Bathir. She'd listen to either of them." Scotty thought about it for a moment. "It'd be good for Treva, too, to go somewhere people won't be asking her questions or telling her things that will make her want to go back on duty too soon."

"We're becoming a boarding house anyway; we may as well have the Planetary Defense Commander as well as the Heirs and the Inheritor," Ford said.

"So Baldaran went and did it, huh?"

"This evening. We gave our consent at lunch. He asked us to take Marie, and we asked to take Seuréa. He's evacuating non-essential personnel."

"Yeah, I heard. Wish Aurora was one of those, but she isn't in his jurisdiction. I am, but Subcommander Rigeon wants me in Control, so there I'll stay. I don't know what we'd do without Selémahs and Leran." He paused as they approached Khediva. "Doesn't look like she's beat up, at least not physically."

"The emergency power is out, though," Ford said, looking closely at the Wayship. "That's a bad sign."

"You wanna wrangle the umbilical while I back us in?" Scotty asked.

Ford unstrapped and got out of his seat. "Let me know when you have us at relative stop."


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