Chapter 13.4

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Mara was right; they gained guards as they went. She was able to provide protective gear for those lacking it, and as people recognized Ford the group also gained a civilian escort, though the spectators kept mostly to the sides of the street, ready to run if things got dangerous. After a few blocks it began to feel a little like leading a parade, Ford thought. I wonder what they expect me to do?

His question was answered when a woman came running up, skidding to a stop as Mukryilla leveled her weapon. "No closer, Citizen."

The woman struggled to catch her breath, looking at Ford in distress. "Sir, the Reissians have taken the Student Commons! They're lining up the students to execute them on the green!"

Ford glanced at Scotty, who grimaced. "Split up, or stay together?" Ford asked.

"Together," Mara said firmly, taking his hand.

"Then let's go. Lead the way, Citizen," Ford said.

"Yes, sir!" she hurried off, and they followed as quickly as they could.

"How do we know this isn't a trap?" Stecklan demanded as they jogged.

"We don't," Ford said. "But I can't take the risk it isn't. Those students are officially under my protection." He sniffed the air, which was growing acrid. "We're getting closer to the fire, or it's getting closer to us."

"Do not concern yourself with the fire," Mara said.

Mukryilla mused, "Why are these Reissians here and not at the Military Academy, where the troops are fighting?"

"Soft target?" Scotty guessed.

They reached the corner of a building along the green and paused to get a look. Stecklan read off his helmet's scans. "Sixty of them, I think. It's hard to distinguish lifesigns in the building."

Ford looked at the rows of young people on their knees in the grass, remembering his own carefree days at the Academy with a pang. "Mother?"

"Wait," she said. "The Reissians are making a show of this. Let us find out what they intend to achieve. Do not worry; I will not allow them to slaughter the students."

"I wasn't worried about that," Ford said.

They caught their breaths as the Reissians brought the last of the students out of the building, the braver or more foolhardy among the crowd who had followed them jostling for position nearby. There was a pause in the action, during which Ford could hear one of the students sobbing. Someone's child, he thought. If this had happened in thirty years, it could have been Lily. Fury washed over him, and he gritted his teeth.

A Reissian honor guard appeared on the green, obviously having just transported from a ship. Their leader was not wearing a helmet, a gesture of contempt, Ford knew. He was also, Ford realized with a sinking sensation, carrying the Sword of Bahgheir.

"Uh oh," Scotty breathed.

"Goal one: no beheading of students," Ford said fiercely. "Goal two: get the sharding Sword back."

"What's the plan? We gonna rush them?" Scotty asked.

"Too many hostages," Ford said. "I have another idea. Stecklan, with me; the rest of you stay here until I need you. Mother, are you prepared for a show of our own?"

Mara smiled dangerously. "I am indeed. Go be a hero, my son."

Ford and Stecklan crept along a wall until they found a place to enter the green that did not give the others' position away. Then Ford stood up and shouted, "I am the Prince of Bathir, and these students are under my protection. Surrender while I may still be inclined to show you mercy."

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