Chapter 11: A Call to Arms

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Scotty was just hefting his pack onto his shoulders when Kander came into the locker room, grinning. "The King's changed his mind. You're stuck in the sandpit while I take the team to the spaceport. Wave to me when I fly past."

"What?" Scotty replied. "You're kidding."

"No. Apparently someone remembered you're the only one who can make any sense of that code of yours. You're being officially reassigned as the King's aide. So much for seeing any action."

Scotty swore, but he wasn't angry, just resigned. It made sense, after all. "Happy trails, Kander. Enjoy the sandy scenery. At least I won't be eating ration bars for the next week."

"That's a good soldier: obedient and cheerful," Kander laughed. "See you."

Scotty handed him the pack. "Hang on, let me just grab my holocube. There's nothing personal in there except that. You wear my size, don't you?"

"I think so. Guess I'll find out, since they didn't give me time to pack." Kander sobered. "Good luck, Scotty."

"You too, Kander. Be careful out there!" Scotty waved to his friend, then set off for the control center, frowning. He'd been Mukryilla's aide, but the post of royal liaison was usually filled by someone better at protocol than he was. Still, Baldaran probably wanted him because he was family, so maybe protocol wasn't quite so important at the moment. And since they were not using coms, most of his time would probably be spent running around delivering messages.

"Scotty," Rigeon greeted him as he entered the control center. "You are to report to the King since you will be attached to his staff. Before you go, however, I must give you the abbreviated version of the brief for the liaison position: you are to do what the King commands, but if anything happens to him, you will answer to me."

And my sister, who'll be stuck with the job, Scotty thought. Wonder who she thinks I should be more afraid of? "Yes, ma'am. I started out bodyguarding, way back when. I'll do my best."

"See that you do, Major. Dismissed." Rigeon went back to what she was doing.

Scotty went down the corridor toward Baldaran's office, missing Mukryilla. He preferred to have some insight into the rationale behind his assignments, and she had always given it to him, usually complete with a political brief he could have done without. He remembered Ford and Stecklan's theory that he was being groomed for the Commander's position someday, and shuddered. He had a feeling that being royal liaison was probably another step along that path, though Mukryilla had probably meant it to occur later in his career. Could be worse. Baldaran's not hung up on the protocol any more than Mara was, he consoled himself. Although he's a lot less likely to see any action.

He knocked on the door to the King's office and went in when someone called, "Come!"

"Major Devon reporting as royal liaison officer," he said, saluting Baldaran.

Baldaran smiled. "Have a seat, Scotty. You know Captain Cieron, I know. Have you met my secretary, Carbin nar Vashtor?"

"Pleased to meet you," Scotty said, nodding to the younger man as he sat down.

"Sorry to pull you off assignment," Baldaran said. "I know it seems a bit ridiculous to have a liaison officer when there are so few of us here, but I need you for the code. And when Mother makes contact, I would like to have you available to assign to her if that seems prudent."

"Yes, sir. No apology necessary," Scotty said.

"And," Baldaran said, "it means you'll be here for events like this. Your sister has come through brilliantly."

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