Chapter 12: Bathir Rising

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The Zhoern's Rest was a popular gathering place for students at the Academy of Bathir who ventured off the extensive campus grounds to explore the capital city, but few did so since the invasion. Its current proprietor, Dai Darvan, had retired from the military a decade ago and, having been raised on his grandparents' stories from the Xoentrol War, decided to keep the second cellar and the tunnels beneath it a secret, in case they should ever be needed again. He had not managed to acquire a cat before the attack, but he gladly welcomed the pair his new regulars brought with them. He even went so far as to construct comfortable beds for them near the front door, which they hardly ever used, preferring to lounge on the bar and hint to the infrequent customers that they were being woefully neglected.

"Shoo," he said, flicking his fingers at the big brown tabby who was obviously contemplating sticking his paw in the platter of spiced poultry wings waiting for the server. "Down with you, now. You're supposed to be working!"

The tabby meowed, barely audible, and began to purr as he always did when someone paid him attention.

"Daft animal. Don't you know when you're being scolded?" he asked, but his tone lacked conviction.

They both jumped as the front door swung open to reveal a soot-blackened pair, arguing in low but fierce tones.

"You could have been killed!" Sastarn said angrily. "Next time stick to the plan!"

"He wasn't even remotely close enough to hit me," Lyrabeth retorted as they took seats at the end of the bar. "I was in more danger from that old lady with her cane who kept telling me to shut up if I didn't want my ankles broken!"

"What do you expect if you stand up in the town square and start shouting that you know where the Inheritor is?" Sastarn hissed.

"How else was I supposed to lure those Reissians into the alley? They were ignoring everything else I did!" Lyrabeth seized on the approaching cat as an excuse to change the subject. "Hi, Bennie. I'm glad someone is happy to see me!"

"Yeah, well he's used to reckless women," Sastarn grumbled.

Lyrabeth grinned. "I dare you to say that to your boss."

"Hah. Right now my boss is downstairs, and she'd probably agree with me!"

"You know who I meant. And I am absolutely going to use that comment against you when things go back to normal."

"Assuming you live that long."

They both looked up as the door opened again, and Radeth and Ricar came in, looking relieved to see them. "Sorry, sorry," Radeth said. "The ignition device was faulty on that last batch. Are you okay? You have all your limbs?"

"Yes," Lyrabeth said. "Excellent job. How many did we get?"

"Half a dozen dead, at least that many injured. None of our people," Ricar reported. "One benefit of people not being out much: less collateral damage. But you're going to have to go quiet for a bit, Lyrabeth; too many people will recognize you as the crazy lady who led that patrol into an ambush. You gave them a good long look at you."

Darvan came over with drinks for the four of them. "Welcome back. Anyone hungry?"

"Reports before meals," Ricar said. "Anything new while we were gone?"

"A few volunteers came in, asking if I knew who they should report to," Darvan said. "Bennie here cozied right up to them, so I pointed them to the militia commander. They looked like hillfolk."

"Transport's risky; it'll take some of them a while to get here," Ricar said. "And we just got started yesterday. All right to go down, Darvan?"

"Yes. See if you can get Trixie to come back up here; it's not fair for Bennie to have to do all the work."

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