Chapter 26.4

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Lily was passed among her aunts and uncles, as well as many of the other guests. Sabrina and Ford tried to keep an eye on her, but their attention was claimed by people wishing to congratulate them, so they had to trust Asdis to monitor the baby's well being. Since Lily wasn't able to eat solid food yet, she was excused when the dinner tables were ready and guests began to sit.

Sabrina also left, glad to escape for a few minutes to nurse her daughter and enjoy a few minutes of quiet before going back out to play her role. She arrived back while the others were eating their main course dishes; a server put a plate in front of her as she took her seat at the head of the extra-wide table beside Ford. She tried to eat quickly, aware that the course would not be removed until she finished.

"Slow down," Ford murmured. "If you choke on your food, some idiot will proclaim it a bad omen. We have time."

Sabrina sighed, swallowing a mouthful of food and picking up another more deliberately. Ford finished before she was halfway through, but he would know she was lying if she tried to say she was full, so she didn't even try.

At last the meal was over, and everyone got to their feet again, mingling and chatting while the tables were dismantled and removed and the orchestra filed in and set up. Sabrina was looking forward to the dancing; this was one occasion where she and Ford were not obligated to dance first with other people.  And she had given special instructions to the musicians for the opening dance.

She and Ford had become separated, talking to various guests, but when the musicians were finished tuning their instruments, she found him at her elbow again. "Ready?" he asked, holding out his hand.

Sabrina took it with a smile. "Yes."

Everyone moved toward the walls, clearing a space for their dance. They had agreed on the mabuenna, an old-fashioned dance popular with the older generation. Ford had always thought it boring, but he'd insisted on something simple to start out with, still concerned about Sabrina's health. But as the music began, he realized the plan had changed.

"Did you—" he began as he recognized the music for the trajeen, but broke off as he saw her smile. "Are you sure?"

"Let's show them how it's done. And not the Meskath Variation," she replied.

"That, my dear, was entirely due to your misstep, not mine," he reminded her, his eyes twinkling. "Try to keep up."

"Ha," she retorted, and launched into the opening jump in perfect unison with him.

They moved in perfect harmony, aided by the link but relying mostly on long practice. The audience clapped along to the beat, cheering as the couple successfully executed the most difficult lifts and jumps, and Sabrina felt exhilarated for the first time in far too long.

They finished with perfect timing, and the onlookers cheered. As they caught their breaths,  Ford stole a kiss, causing laughter to join the applause. "Well done, partner," he whispered to her.

Sabrina beamed up at him. "Thank you, partner," she replied. So much had changed, but for the first time since the invasion she felt that their relationship was back on an equal footing. And that was where they needed to be to meet the challenges ahead.

I'll never stop worrying about you, Ford thought. But I'll try to stop coddling you.

Good, she responded. I worry about you too, you know.

I know. And sometimes you're right to.  He glanced over to where Lira was coaxing Kaz onto the dance floor. And we have all of them to worry about, too.

Just until Mara gets back.

She felt him marvel at her confidence, but despite how bleak the situation looked, he had to admit that as long as there was no Transference, they could reasonably expect to see Mara again someday. And Tirqwin, Khediva, and Scotty, too. She could not afford to think otherwise, even for a moment.

We'll take it day by day, she thought. There was nothing else they could do.

Ford pictured the days ahead, focusing on how they would watch their daughter grow. They both smiled, despite the grief and anxiety that were never far from their thoughts. They had Lily, and love, and hope.

That was enough to keep them going.


The adventures of Mara, Tirqwin, Khediva, Sabrina, Scotty, and Ford will be continued in Waymakers.

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