Chapter 7.5

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Groundskeeper Estess knocked on the door, then ducked his head inside. "Your highness?"

"Yes, Groundskeeper? Please come in," Sabrina said.

"With your highness' permission, I'd like to go back to the palace. Maybe I can rescue some of the nursery plants and look after some of the wildlife."

Sabrina gasped. "Oh no! We forgot the cats!"

Seeing her real distress, Estess hurried to say, "I'll keep an eye out for them, ma'am, but please don't worry. They're smart, and I bet they're sitting in the hall outside the vault raising a ruckus for their breakfast at this very moment."

Sabrina took a few deep breaths to steady herself. "Sorry. Groundskeeper, you may return, but do not risk your life for any plants or animals. They are all far more replaceable than you. Thank you for your service in this difficult time. I hope we can reward you suitably when this is all finished."

"I need no reward, ma'am. It is an honor to serve," Estess replied, bowing. "Miah go with you, and also with you, your royal highness."

Seuréa said, "Thank you, Groundskeeper. Miah's blessing on you as well."

He smiled, and Sabrina realized that Miah's blessing from the Inheritor, her direct descendant, had more than the usual meaning. Estess turned back to Sabrina, hesitating. "Ma'am, if I may?"

Sabrina stared at him in confusion until she realized what he was asking. She got to her feet and took a step toward him. "You have my permission."

He slowly, reverently laid a hand on her protruding stomach, smiling. Then he said, "Miah's blessings, little princess." He straightened. "Thank you, ma'am."

"It was our pleasure, Groundskeeper Estess. Keep yourself safe, please. I hope to see you soon." Sabrina watched wistfully as he left, wondering if she would ever see her home again.

After a quick breakfast, they all piled into the commercial transport Corporal Sian had provided. Sabrina was grateful it was designed to transport people instead of cargo; the seats were comfortable and had adequate safety restraints. As they lifted into the air, Ranja gave a little gasp. "They're burning the farmlands!"

"Yes," Sian said from the pilot's seat. "The Reissians started that last night. I guess they were angry at not finding victims."

"Or they're going to try starving us into submission," Sabrina said. "I wonder how much they know about the Xoentrol War. They destroyed the crops and farms too."

Merith, the only other one in the group who remembered the previous war, gave a little sigh. "One famine per lifetime is enough."

"We've been stockpiling food," Sabrina said. "We knew this was probably coming, though we thought we had more time." She looked down at herself. "Obviously."

They all looked to the east, where the thick plumes of smoke rose into the air. Sabrina knew that Ranja was from Sô Bahgheir, on the eastern edge of the continent and the other side of the agricultural district, but she had only a vague idea of where her other Bathiran companion was from. "Kendara, where's your family?"

"By the inland sea, ma'am. Plenty of swamp to hide in," Kendara said. "We could go to ground there, but for now we think it's best if we avoid places the Kyan could find out we know. Ranja and I are known as part of your household, and we think they'll target our families."

Sabrina looked at them both. "I'm so sorry."

"My people will know to get out," Kendara said.

Ranja nodded. "My clan will be in the mountains by now, practically untraceable. The wind currents make flyers dangerous, and the ore deposits interfere with most scanners."

Way of No Return (Champions of the Crystal Book 8)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum