Chapter 26.3

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Four hours later, guests were beginning to arrive, but Sabrina was running late and still getting dressed. Ford finished before she did and went up to the nursery to make sure his daughter was suitably attired; he had not returned by the time Sabrina finished securing the heavy, ornate tiara that was part of the Bathiran crown jewels on her head. She missed the more elegant watergem tiara Ford had given her, but that had been lost with their luggage, some of which had been retrieved by the investigative team but was unavailable while Praxatillus' local space was impassable with debris.

Cynthia, who had been overseeing Seuréa's preparations, came into the dressing room and stopped short, staring at her friend in wonderment. "Wow," she said after a moment. "All this princess stuff is real, isn't it?"

Sabrina gave her a wry smile. "It certainly is. Why are you surprised?"

"I guess I just wasn't prepared for all this." Cynthia gestured at the tiara, then down at the formal gown, a bright royal blue covered with sparkling gold metallic embroidery.

"You've seen vid of my state wedding," Sabrina pointed out, amused. "This is my daughter's presentation. It's equally important. Wait until you see Ford—he carries the regalia off much better than I do."

"Where is he?"

"Upstairs with Lily." Sabrina paused to check in. "Apparently she's being cranky. Let's go join them. Is Aurora handling things downstairs?"

"Yes, I sent Seuréa down to join her. Corbin and Nera are with their grandparents. Everybody's in place except for the stars of the show."

Sabrina led the way carefully up the narrow staircase that originated in the study in the royal suite. She laid her palm on the security device beside the nursery's inner door and waited a second while it verified her identity, then went inside, Cynthia hurrying close behind her so she wouldn't have to repeat the procedure.

"What's the matter?" Sabrina asked as her daughter's wailing filled the room.

"Nothing," Ford said, shifting position so that Lily's head rested against his heartbeat. "She's just carrying on the family tradition by complaining about being forced to dress up. Can we skip the headband, do you think?"

Sabrina looked at the beautiful strip of gold ribbon with blue piping, studded with tiny watergems. "If she doesn't like it, I don't see why not. We can't have her screaming through the whole ceremony." She went forward and laid her hand on Lily's back, admiring the soft blue silk and gold lace of the baby's gown. "It's all right, sweetheart," she said softly. Accessing the Crystal with Ford's help, she sent a gentle pulse of comfort and serenity to the baby, who quieted into sniffles.

"That's my girl," Ford said, pressing a kiss into Lily's wispy blonde curls. Then he pressed an identical kiss into Sabrina's hair, careful not to disturb the tiara.

You're not getting away with that, Sabrina thought, lifting her face for a real kiss. He smiled and obliged her.

They stole a moment for themselves as Lily calmed further, and then Ford said, "We'd best get this over with."

"I keep expecting them to show up, any second now," Sabrina admitted softly. "It seems wrong to do this without her grandparents and uncle."

"This is for Bathir," Ford reminded her. "They will understand. We can't put everything on hold waiting for them."

"I know." Sabrina swallowed and took a deep breath. "Let's do this."


The Bathiran legislature, the royal family of Praxatillus and their closest relatives, and invited guests filled the palace ballroom, even though it still lacked furniture of any kind. Cynthia hurried to squeeze into a place near the doors as the Steward entered and intoned, "The Prince and Princess of Bathir, and the Hereditary Princess of Bathir."

The room erupted in applause as Ford and Sabrina entered, Ford carrying the baby. They went to the small dais that had been erected in the middle of the room and stepped carefully onto it.

"Welcome, Your Majesty, your royal highnesses, and honored guests," Sabrina began. They'd divided up the script, but she was aware she might come in for some criticism by speaking first instead of Ford. Still, Ford had insisted that the official declaration was the more important part, and he had that. "We are honored and pleased to have you here tonight and to introduce you to our daughter."

Ford shifted Lily in his arms so she was facing outward. She made disapproving noises about being disturbed, but she didn't burst into tears, for which her parents were profoundly grateful. "I present to you Lilonwy Anatobia ya Tassan nar Devon, the Hereditary Princess of Bathir. We hereby confirm her as our heir, to reign after we are both gone, and promise to raise her to be a good and just leader for all the citizens of Bathir, and a true subject to Your Majesty."

"I now invite His Majesty the King of Praxatillus to confirm her as our heir," Sabrina said.

Baldaran stepped forward, smiling, and laid a hand on Lily's head. "It is my pleasure to confirm Lilonwy Anatobia ya Tassan nar Devon as the heir to Bathir, following both her parents. And to welcome her as my beloved subject, pledging my protection and guidance throughout my life." He bent to kiss her head. "Welcome, my niece."

Sabrina noted her daughter's restlessness and was glad Baldaran had not insisted on including the confirmation of her as his heir's heir, which would have made for a longer ceremony. Baldaran returned to his place in the audience beside Reya, Kaz, and Lira, and Ford said, "I now invite the citizens of Bathir to swear fealty to our heir."

The legislators had agreed to waive their prerogative to do so one at a time after Sabrina had pointed out what a gesture of solidarity it would be for them to take the oath with their fellow citizens. Also, it would enable everyone to have their meal that much sooner, Ford had added, and teased her afterward that he'd clinched the deal with his appeal to their stomachs.

Fortunately the oath to an heir was short enough for a large group to say in unison without it descending into garbled chaos. "I pledge my loyalty to the Hereditary Princess of Bathir and promise to support her when her reign begins. May she grow strong and healthy and wise, worthy of her role, secure in the love and support of her people."

Sabrina said, "I now invite forward those we name as sponsors or their appointed representatives. Mikolal Stecklan."

Ford took his turn. "Andar Sastarn."

"Cynthia Grayson."

"Lyrabeth Deirian."

Sabrina's voice shook a little as she said, "Ranjalla Cadolar." Corbin left his sister and grandparents and came to stand with the others in his mother's place.

Ford swallowed, then said, "Johurst Lien." Lien's father solemnly took his place.

"Sabrina Kendara." Kendara was represented by her younger sister.

"Xohlen Areyashanarll."

"Orlann Merith." A nephew came forward.

"Rutha Bandar."

"Pinsi Bandar."

"Isiri Evis." Her mother stood in her place.

"Seuréa Lyssara ya Yanklozhquar nar Miahn." Seuréa completed the group.

Sabrina was grateful that thirteen wasn't considered unlucky on Praxatillus. She waited until the stir caused by the inclusion of the Inheritor had died down before continuing. "And now to mark our mutual promises, we invite you to share our evening meal."

Ford finished off the ceremony by saying, "And please stay for the dancing afterward."

Then they stepped down from the dais, which would be moved while everyone was eating.

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