Chapter 20.1

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"I didn't think it could get worse," Sabrina groaned, awkwardly dropping to her hands and knees as the contraction seized her. "It feels like she's stuck."

"She's fine," Merith said, consulting her scanner. "And so are you. It will be over soon."

"This is the worst part," Rutha agreed. After the contraction subsided, she asked, "Would you like to return to bed?"

"Yes," Sabrina managed, slumping to rest her forehead on the cool floor for a moment.

She had barely made it back to the bed when she heard yelling from the corridor, followed by more gunfire. The barrage seemed to go on for a long time, but the silence that fell afterward was more frightening.

Merith leaned down to look at Sabrina. "Ma'am," she said, "you're doing fine, and Rutha and Cynthia know what to do. I think my combat training's more in demand right now."

"Thank you, Doctor," Sabrina said, managing a smile. "Be careful."

"It's been an honor, ma'am," Merith said. She handed her scanner to Cynthia, saluted, drew her weapon, and ran out the door.

There were a few more exchanges of gunfire, then a pain-stricken yelp and silence again. Ranja bit her lip, leaned down to kiss Sabrina's cheek, and hurried out the door with her own weapon drawn, pausing only to close and seal the door behind her.

Sabrina felt another contraction seize her and let her tears run freely. "Cyn, watch the door," she managed between sobs.

Cynthia made sure her weapon was within reach and consulted the scanner. "You're doing great," she said, her voice shaking.

Sabrina didn't feel like she was doing great. She was sweating and shaking herself, and she didn't think it was all terror. "Is this normal? I feel like I have a fever or something."

"It is normal," Rutha assured her. "Just concentrate on pushing." She moved to stand at Sabrina's feet. "She is almost here."

The door began to shake, showing faint imprints of large fists.

"So are they," Sabrina murmured. "Don't let them get the baby or Seuréa!" Ford, we're out of time. I love you. I'm sorry I didn't do a better job of protecting Lily.

Don't give up! We're almost there! he thought frantically, but he had said it so many times by now that she couldn't be encouraged by it.

An explosion rattled the walls of the infirmary. The women looked anxiously at the door, but it held, deformed but solid.

The eerie silence was broken by a shuffling sound, and Sabrina turned to see Seuréa and Pinsi climbing out of the supply cabinet, struggling in the too-big suits. Pinsi went to bury her face in her mother's tunic, and Seuréa came to Sabrina's side, taking her hand. "You have to hurry now," she said. "We don't have any more time."

"I'm doing my best," Sabrina whispered.

Seuréa closed her eyes and squeezed Sabrina's hand. "Come on, Lily," she murmured.

Sabrina let out a shriek of pain as she felt her pelvis expand unnaturally. A moment later, Rutha said, "I see her!"

"Whatever you're doing, stop!" Cynthia exclaimed. "Sabrina's blood pressure is spiking!"

"I have her head. Wait a moment while we get the shoulders through," Rutha called out.

Seuréa opened her eyes and stepped back, wiping at the tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry," she said. "But we don't have any time."

Sabrina collapsed onto the bed, shattered but still trying to hold her eyes open to see what Rutha was doing. "Why isn't she crying?"

"She's out. She's beautiful," Rutha reported. But the glance she gave Cynthia was expressive.

Cynthia hurried over to take the tiny body, careful to keep her out of Sabrina's view. "She just needs some oxygen, I think. Rutha, you've got the cord?"

"Yes," Rutha said.

Sabrina's eyes began to close. "Why isn't she crying?" she slurred.

"I'm suctioning out her mouth and nose," Cynthia said. "There you go, little girl. Hey, give your mom a yell, won't you? Are you cold? Let me wrap you up."

Seuréa brought over a blanket. "Let me touch her," she said anxiously.

"I don't think—"

"I have to do the blessing!" Seuréa insisted.

Cynthia glanced over at Sabrina, who had lost consciousness. "Okay, but quickly. I need to get a mask on her."

Seuréa laid her hand on the little forehead and said breathlessly, "Peace, joy, and wisdom I wish for you. Love, protection, and guidance I give to you. Welcome, Lilonwy Anatobia ya Tassan nar Devon, to the family of Miah."

Lily immediately gave out a wail, weak and thin but full of outrage.

"I need to get a mask on her," Cynthia repeated, carrying the baby over to the nearest counter. But as she looked down at the baby, she could have sworn she saw a faint glow, and Lily's breathing became less labored. Still, Cynthia fit an oxygen mask on as best she could, given that the adult size was as big as Lily's entire head. Turning with a smile to present the baby to her mother at last, Cynthia was shocked to find Rutha mopping up blood with a spare blanket, looking close to panic.

"Rutha, take the baby and let me examine her!" Cynthia ordered. They quickly switched patients, nearly tripping over Seuréa as she stumbled toward the bed.

"I'm sorry. I did it too fast," Seuréa said tearfully.

"You sure did," Cynthia muttered. "What do we have for cauterizing around here?"

The only reply was another explosion near the door, rattling it away from its frame. Cynthia was focused on the alarmingly pale Sabrina, so it was Rutha who tried to shoo the girls back into the supply cabinet. Seuréa refused to leave Sabrina's bedside, biting her lip and touching Sabrina's body at various points as if looking for something.

Another explosion cracked the ceiling, sending debris cascading down around them. Cynthia threw herself over Sabrina and looked over at the door, which was hanging crookedly now. "Rutha, can you shoot?" she demanded.

"I can try," Rutha said. She handed the baby to Pinsi, not giving the frightened girl time to refuse, and picked up the weapon, aiming it at the door. "Save the princess."

"I'm trying," Cynthia murmured. But I'm not sure any of us can be saved, she thought as a metallic hand wrapped itself around the edge of the door and began pulling at it.


As the sounds of gunfire and grenades grew closer in the dark tunnel, Ford outpaced his companions despite their best efforts to keep up. He leapt through the ragged, smoking hole in the emergency barrier and raced ahead. The others were so intent on running as fast as they could that they nearly tripped over him when he let out a horrible, wrenching cry and collapsed, curling into a fetal position as nearly as his combat suit would allow. After a moment he cut his com and made his faceplate reflective, but it wasn't hard for his companions to identify the convulsive motions his body made as heartbroken sobbing.

"Oh, no," Stecklan murmured hoarsely. They all stood there for a moment, panting, shocked and grief-stricken as they processed what must have happened.

Sastarn swallowed hard. "I'll get him moving," he said, his voice hoarse. "Lyrabeth, on point. We still have to help the Inheritor."

Stecklan cleared his throat. "Yes."

They resumed their progress, slower and with heavy hearts.

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