Chapter 12.5

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It was nearly an hour later that the group stumbled into the Zhoern's Rest, after taking a route that detoured several times to avoid Reissian patrol groups and then an encounter with a group of students out hunting them. Ford spoke sternly to the high-spirited group about tempering their zeal with basic safety precautions and sent them on their way, resigned to the fact that the entire city would know he was here by morning.

"Iz okay," Stecklan slurred for the fourth time. "Get the word out. The more targets in the city, the less they'll be in the mountains."

"Hush," Ford said. "You're giving clues without even realizing it. Stop talking until you're back in your right mind."

Sastarn grunted in agreement as he pushed the pub's door open. "Darvan, we're home! And we brought company!"

Darvan hurried forward, his expression brightening as he recognized Ford. "Your royal highness! Welcome to the Zhoern's Rest!"

"Thank you," Ford said, looking around. "I have been here many times, back in my Academy days. I like the new décor." He carefully set his equipment down on the nearest table and smiled. "Thank you for sheltering my friends. I understand my cats are here?"

"Yes, sir," Darvan smiled. "Bennie was here a minute ago, but Trixie has decided to become a lap cat. She's downstairs."

Ford looked around and called, "Bennie!"

A startlingly loud meow answered him, and the tabby came running along the bar, leaping down to land at Ford's feet and nearly knocking him over as he tried to rub every inch of his body along Ford's leg. Ford knelt and picked the cat up, feeling relief wash over him as he cradled him against his shoulder. "How's my Bennie boy?" he murmured.

Bennie purred loudly and frantically, rubbing his face along Ford's jaw and shoulder, his tail lashing with excitement. Ford closed his eyes and rubbed his fingers in the cat's fur, trying hard to access the link. They're here. They're safe, he thought to Sabrina, hoping she could hear him.

When he opened his eyes, the others were all watching him with smiles on their faces, enjoying the reunion almost as much as he was. Ford scratched under Bennie's collar and then set the cat down on the floor, saying, "Back to work for both of us, my boy." Bennie promptly rubbed along Ford's legs again, turning circles as if to prevent him moving.

Darvan said, "Are you hungry, sir? I could cook up something for you."

"I am, actually. And I think Stecklan needs something as well. Thank you, Citizen."

"Darvan, sir. Dai Darvan. And it's an honor." He went back behind the bar and busied himself with the provender.

Ford turned to Sastarn. "Let's get on with this report. Do you all sleep here?"

"Yes, sir," Sastarn replied. "Some of us downstairs, and some of us in the attic, depending on who's coming and going at what hours. Would you like to sleep here tonight?"

"No, I'll go back to my lab. I don't feel the need to sleep tonight," Ford replied.

Sastarn led the way to the back room. Bennie slid past the door as Radeth started to close it. "Um, the cat is here. Should I send him back out?" Radeth asked.

Bennie attached himself to Ford's leg, and Ford smiled ruefully. "I don't think he's ready to let me out of his sight again yet. Surely there won't be anybody for him to inspect at this hour?"

"Shouldn't be," Ricar said. "Will you want to take him with you to your lab?"

Ford considered, then shook his head. "No. He'll do more good here." He bent down and picked Bennie up again. "We all have to do our part, don't we?" Bennie meowed as if in reply, and Ford smiled. "If he's this excited to see me, I can't wait to see what happens when he's reunited with Sabrina."

Sastarn chuckled as he lifted the trap door. "The Commander may lose her nurse cat when Trixie sees you. You'll be lucky if they don't fight over you."

Ford remembered some notable feline disagreements and said, "I hope not."

It took a little maneuvering to get Stecklan down the ladder into the second cellar, and Ford had to climb one-handed to take Bennie with him, but at last they were all down. Lyrabeth jumped out of her seat and went instinctively toward Ford as if to hug him before remembering her protocol. "Your royal highness! Welcome back!"

"Good to see you, Lyrabeth," he replied, then looked at Mukryilla, who was on her feet but looking a little unsteady. "And you, Commander! Please sit. How are you? Do you need medical help?" He bent to set Bennie down and pick Trixie up to quiet her insistent mewing and stop her attempting to climb up his pants leg.

"I've had all the medical help I can stand," Mukryilla said. "Seeing you does me good, though. You're well?"

"Yes, undeservedly so," Ford said. "I'm sorry to have to tell you, but Major Lien is dead. He was killed while we were trying to get back to the planet."

Mukryilla nodded grimly. "I am very sorry to hear it; he has been with you a long time. Subcommander Stecklan has taken over his duties, I assume?"

"Yes, but Sabrina intended him for her emissary, and I'd rather have him in that role, if you can spare Sastarn to me."

"Certainly," Mukryilla said. "What are your plans?"

"I would like to work on technical solutions in my lab," Ford admitted, "but I am at your disposal if you believe my presence will help the resistance."

"We may find a use for you," she said, "but I do not think you should be at risk of capture. I take it you know the princess' location, and that of the Inheritor?"

"Yes," Ford said. "I went there first. Stecklan also knows, of course, and Reya. She's back at her lab, where I believe she should stay."

Sastarn said, "If Stecklan knows, he shouldn't be out there at risk. We should keep the three of you in a secure area. I could be the emissary, if he tells me what the princess wants. I'll make sure it's done, I promise."

"Not a bad idea," Ford mused. "Ow! Trixie, watch the claws! I'm not ignoring you!"

Mukryilla smiled. "Please sit, your royal highness. She will be happier on your lap, and we have much to discuss, I think."

"Yes," Ford said, "and don't let me forget to tell you about the Scotty code."

Her eyes crinkled with amusement. "Most certainly I shall not!"

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