Chapter 11.1

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Sabrina set the oven to preheat and began making dough, glad to have something to do besides ponder all the things that had kept her awake most of the night. Dawn was just creeping over the ridge that marked the upper edge of the farm, but she had lit only one lamp so as not to disturb Merith, asleep on her padded bench beside the oven. She had heard Stecklan come in a few hours ago, but no one appeared to be up yet. They would wake to the smell of biscuits, she hoped, as a good send-off for Stecklan and Reya and a small consolation for those who would remain behind.

A loud knock at the door made her jump. Merith sprang to her feet with a speed that belied her age, and Stecklan, Kendara, and Evis all appeared, weapons pointed at the door. Everyone looked at each other for a second; then weapons were lowered but kept ready as Stecklan went to the door and opened it a crack. Sabrina lowered her head so her hair would obscure her face and kept working the dough as if this were a normal occurrence.

A sharp gasp from Stecklan and a cry of surprise from Kendara made her look up reflexively. Time seemed to stop as she stared at Ford from across the table, unable at first to comprehend what was happening. Then he took a step forward, and she covered her mouth to muffle the scream of joy that was erupting out of her.

Ford lifted her out of her chair but did not swing her around, in deference to the baby and the cramped conditions. Sabrina grabbed him in a desperate hug, fingers digging into his back, and said his name over and over again, still not quite able to believe this was real.

"Am I dreaming? I dreamed you earlier," she gasped out.

"That was me trying to get through on the link," Ford chuckled, pulling back and framing her face with his hands so he could look at her. "Aren't you a sight for sore eyes. What did you do to your hair?"

Sabrina laughed, tears streaming out of her eyes. "Where have you been? Are you all right? Oh, God, Ford, you're here. I can't believe you're here!"

He kissed her, long and deep. The others shuffled toward the other side of the room, joined by Ranja and Reya, as Stecklan turned to close the door, only to find Cynthia standing uncertainly on the threshold.

"I'm with him," she said, nodding to Ford.

Stecklan let her inside before closing the door behind her. "Subcommander Mikolal Stecklan," he introduced himself.

"Doctor Cynthia Grayson," Cynthia replied. "From Earth."

Kendara went over to her. "I remember you, from when we visited Earth. But where's Lien?"

Cynthia bit her lip. "He didn't make it. I'm so sorry. It was just—on the way here."

Ranja let out a muffled cry, and Kendara turned away quickly.

"What happened?" Stecklan asked.

"We were trying to get back, but we didn't know they'd set a trap for us in the shipyard. Lien went to reconnoiter and got caught. He was already dead when the Guardian came to rescue us," Cynthia said, trying to keep it simple. She glanced over at Sabrina and Ford, but they were whispering to each other, oblivious to the world around them.

"You've seen the Guardian?" Stecklan demanded.

"Yes. She's here, on the planet I mean. We just got back. She's trying to clear the disrupted space before the fleet gets here." Cynthia was pleased to have finally said something that made these people look glad to see her.

"At last!" Evis said. "Sit, please, and tell us everything. We're starved for news."

Cynthia glanced at the dough on the other end of the table. "Won't we get in the way of breakfast?"

Reya said, "It is highly unlikely we will now get breakfast, as Sabrina is the only one among us who can cook."

"I can," Cynthia said. "And I'm hungry." She went to the sink and washed her hands, then sat in Sabrina's vacated chair and rubbed flour onto her palms. "I'm not sure I can tell the story properly. I don't understand all this stuff about phase shifting."

The others sat down and gazed at her intently, but she didn't get the chance to continue before Seuréa came out of her room, blinking, and let out a shriek at the sight of her brother. Ford and Sabrina separated as Seuréa flung herself at Ford and held onto him tightly. "You're finally here! Where have you been?"

"With Mother and Father and Khediva, trying to get home," Ford said.

"Mother's here? Is she coming to get me?"

"Not quite yet. I didn't know you were here," Ford said, glancing at Sabrina quizzically.

"She wouldn't be separated from me," Sabrina explained. "She thought it might be a sending from the Crystal."

Ford glanced around and noticed Reya. "And having broken that rule once, why not twice?"

Sabrina sighed, hugging his arm since Seuréa had not loosened her embrace around his torso. "You and Stecklan can commiserate about what a security nightmare I am later. Do you think—" She broke off, looking at Cynthia. "Ford. I'm hallucinating Cynthia sitting at the table making biscuits."

Ford grinned. "She's real, I'm afraid. Don't blame me—I tried to talk her out of it."

Cynthia got up, dusting her hands off against her tunic. "Hi. I heard you were going to be needing a pediatrician soon, so I thought I'd come give you my resumé."

"Oh my God!" Sabrina said, still stunned. Then she hugged her friend. "I can't believe it. Cynthia! How did you get here?"

"Ford came to ask my advice about preemies," Cynthia said. "I brought a bunch of research and equipment, but it's all still aboard Khediva."

"Tirqwin and Khediva are here?"

"Not exactly," Cynthia said, looking at Ford.

Ford sighed, accepting that the reunion was turning into a briefing. "Sit down, everyone. There's a lot to tell."

"We have a limited time," Stecklan said. "The call to arms went out last night. Some of us will need to go down to the town hall after breakfast."

"Call to arms?" Ford repeated blankly.

"Baldaran gave me the signal to raise Bathir, so I have," Sabrina said. "I was planning to send Stecklan off to represent me to the resistance. Does Mara have something else in mind?"

"The fleet's due here in four days. She's focusing on making our space less disrupted so she can better manipulate the Crystal," Ford said.

"Ford," Seuréa said, tugging at his arm, "Sabrina's been lying about Mira. Make her apologize!"

"What?" Ford said, looking at Sabrina. "Oh. Seuréa, I'm sorry, but it's not a lie. Mother has confirmed it."

"Oh," Sabrina said brokenly. "I hoped—"

Seuréa shook her head violently. "But it can't be true! Why didn't Mama save her?"

Ford sat down on the bench, letting out a long sigh. "She wasn't connected to the Crystal. Mother had no way to know, and no way to reach her. But she is here now, and she has located all the rest of us and is keeping a good eye on us so it won't happen again. You're safe."

Tears welled up in Seuréa's violet eyes, and she sniffled. "But she can't be dead. I didn't get to say good-bye. It isn't right!"

"No, it's not right," Ford said gently. "I feel the same way. But unfortunately that doesn't make it less real." He drew her into his arms as she burst into tears, and she crawled into his lap, curling up as if she could hide from the world. Sabrina sat down beside them and laid her head on Ford's shoulder and her hand on Seuréa's back, and they wept together.

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