Chapter 10.6

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Cynthia groaned, blinking, as she regained consciousness. She felt like she'd been run over by a truck, possibly more than once.

"Ah. Welcome back," said a familiar voice.

She blinked again and tried to focus. "Ford?"


"Where are we?" She coughed, and he held up a cup of water so she could sip.

"Khediva. Mother stood by her opinion that my plan was stupid, so she came to save me from myself. Unfortunately, she was too late for Lien."

Cynthia swallowed, then lifted a hand to wave the cup away. "What?"

Ford didn't meet her gaze. "Lien is dead. Khediva found his body among the Reissians that were spaced when we blew up the station. She says he was already dead when we set off the explosion, so at least I didn't kill him directly. But it is still my fault."

Cynthia bit down on the urge to cry, blinking furiously to keep tears from blinding her. "What happened?" she asked after a moment.

"Khediva says he was mindprobed, and then apparently the Reissians slit his throat for fun," Ford said bitterly. "We can hope the Kyan who probed him didn't have time to transmit the findings, but we can't know." He paused. "I hope he didn't suffer long. He deserved so much better." He sighed and rubbed at his forehead. "His parents are still living, and he has three sisters and numerous nieces and nephews. When this is over, I'll have to go see them. I don't know how I'll face them, though."

Cynthia sniffed, then cleared her throat. "I'll go with you. He was really kind to me; I'd like to tell them that."

Ford said nothing, staring at the floor. After a moment, Cynthia asked, "Did you know him very long?"

"Six years. Right after Sabrina and I got engaged, she became co-regent with my brother. The bodyguard assignment was just supposed to be while she was doing that, but we had a run-in with the Kyan and became permanent targets, so Lien and Kendara stuck with us." He paused. "Lien was beside me every day. I can't begin to count the number of times he saved my life. And I sent him to be tortured and killed without any idea I was doing so."

"None of us thought you were," Cynthia said. "Lien wasn't worried. I'm sure he was cautious, but we didn't have any way of knowing it was a trap." She sighed. "You know, he tried to teach me how to shoot so I could help him protect you. I know he'd be glad he saved you this one last time, by tipping us off."

"Valiant to the last," Ford murmured.

They were silent until Mara came in. "Ah, Doctor Grayson. How do you feel?"

"Alive," Cynthia said. "That's good enough for me at the moment. Thank you, your majesty."

Mara shook her head. "I am no longer Queen of Praxatillus. The correct address for the Guardian is 'your serenity,' but I confess I find it a bit strange. And though I am entitled to be called 'your royal highness' by birth, I have elected to be addressed simply by my name or, if you cannot bring yourself to do that, 'my lady.'" She took pity on Cynthia's confused expression. "Call me Mara, as Sabrina and Scotty do."

"Thanks, Mara," Cynthia said experimentally. "And thanks for the rescue. I thought you were still at Avestar."

"We are," Mara said. "And will be for many days yet. We came back in time to the point where I sensed Niavar's life in danger, after a tediously circuitous journey to avoid Kyan attacks. I only regret I did not come early enough to be of use to Major Lien, whose loss is sorely felt."

Cynthia nodded, blinking back tears again. Mara laid a hand on Ford's shoulder and squeezed, giving them a few moments to recover their composure. Then she continued, "We are currently out of phase with Praxatillus, which enables us to remain safely in orbit. Khediva believes she can safely transport us down to Dansestari, where I can shift us back into phase and transfer to Giandrah."

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