Chapter 24.2

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Zepharan turned to wave as Sastarn lifted the flyer back into the air, heading for a hostel in the nearest town since there was no room for most of the staff in the house. Ford joined in the waving belatedly, mentally kicking himself for forgetting such a basic courtesy. They were all preoccupied these days, but they had lost too many staff already. He must do his best to keep the ones who had survived.

"He's not really angry with you," Zepharan remarked.

"Oh? He does a good imitation."

"He's more angry with himself, because he knows it wasn't your fault. Or Lyrabeth's. She, by the way, is probably in the best mental health of any of you, amazingly enough."

"She's accomplishing something," Ford pointed out.

"So are you. Many things a day, apparently."

"With many more stacking up behind them. And now the legislature wants to do the formal presentation. I'm not at all sure Lily's health will bear a crowd right now, but I don't want to tell them she's fragile, either," Ford said, frustrated.

"Let your doctor make that call."

"We don't have one. Well, we have Cynthia, who's not licensed to practice here, much less qualified to be a royal physician. That reminds me, I need to check in with the Housekeeper about our hiring. It seems we might be able to start housing staff again soon. I told the restoration crew to focus on the staff quarters rather than ours, since Lily's lungs won't be able to bear the air until the lake settles down, Cynthia says," Ford explained. "But I need one of our doctors to tell the legislature whether she's ready."

"Baldaran would send you someone down from Dansestari."

"No, it has to be a Bathiran. Housekeeper Sheza will find someone good, I'm sure." They made their way into the quiet house, and Ford said, "Good evening, Stecklan."

"Night, I think, sir. Welcome home," Stecklan replied from his pallet near the door. "Nice to see you again, Citizen Kelar."

"I think it's been since the wedding, hasn't it?" Zepharan replied. "Good to see you too. How have you been?"

"Surviving," Stecklan said. "Everyone's asleep, sir, except for Doctor Grayson and the Inheritor. They are on the porch."

"At this hour?" Ford exclaimed. "Zeph, would you mind waiting here? The baby's in our room, and I don't want to startle Sabrina."

A thin wail split the air, and Zepharan grinned. "Looks like it's too late for that."

"I'll come get you when everybody's ready for visitors," Ford smiled, heading up the narrow staircase.

Zepharan nodded to Stecklan, who laid back down on his bed and closed his eyes. Then Zepharan wandered out to the back porch, careful not to disturb any of the people sleeping on couches or pallets in the two rooms he crossed. "Hello," he said quietly as he went out the back door.

"Hello," Cynthia said, startled.

Seuréa stood. "Citizen Kelar. It is good to see you again."

"And you, your royal highness. It is a relief to me, as well as to everyone else, that you are safe and well."

"Thank you. Have you met Doctor Cynthia Grayson?"

"No, but I have heard all about her today," Zepharan smiled. "Hello, Doctor. I am your opposite number: Ford's childhood friend."

"Ah," Cynthia said, getting up to shake his hand. "Pleased to meet you."

Seuréa said, "Citizen Kelar and I were once kidnapped together. Well, by the same beings, at different times. He and Ford and Lien—" She broke off and swallowed hard.

"I am very sorry about Major Lien," Zepharan said. "He was a brave and kind friend to your brother."

"Yes, he was. He was very kind," Seuréa said, her voice thick but steady. "Please do not go through the list of condolences, Citizen. I thank you for your courtesy, and I know you share our grief."

"I do," Zepharan said. He glanced at the table's holographic display, currently showing something he took a moment to identify as an intestinal tract. "What are you doing, if you do not mind my asking?"

"Seuréa is helping me with my Praxatillian. I have a lot to learn to qualify here," Cynthia said quickly.

"Are you staying, then?"

"That is my intention. If I can avoid being deported for unintentional crimes due to a certain person who shall remain nameless," Cynthia replied.

Seuréa grinned, but quickly composed her expression again.

Zepharan's grin stayed. "There were many times in my youth when I wondered if Ford was going to land me in prison. In fact he did, several times, though never here at home. One befriends the royal family at one's peril, Doctor."

"Please call me Cynthia. And sometime you will have to tell me all about growing up with Ford. It sounds fascinating."

"Only if you tell me about growing up with Sabrina, which I gather was just as fascinating, although probably less dangerous."

"Probably." Cynthia glanced at Seuréa, who wasn't quite hiding a yawn. "It's bedtime, young lady. You can laugh at my accent again tomorrow."

Seuréa looked at Zepharan. "Are you staying, Counselor?"

"Yes, although Ford's warned me I may have to sleep in a bathtub. I will have the pleasure of seeing you tomorrow, your royal highness."

"I wish you both good-night, then," Seuréa said formally. She started to turn away from the table, but then turned back and hugged Cynthia.

"Sweet dreams," Cynthia said softly, hugging her back.

When the Inheritor was gone, Zepharan said, "I'm glad to see she isn't being neglected after all. Ford is worried about her."

"So is Sabrina, but there are so many other people to worry about," Cynthia said. "I'm trying to be useful, and this is one thing I can do. Plus, I like her. I became a pediatrician partly because I like children, after all. She called you Counselor—are you a lawyer?"

Zepharan laughed. "No, no. I am a counselor—what Sabrina calls a therapist."

"A psychologist? Excellent. We could use one in this house," Cynthia said.

"So I gather from Aurora. Perhaps you would like to give me your perspective on the situation?"

"I wouldn't want to prejudice your observations."

"Zeph!" came Ford's voice, drifting down from above. They looked up to see him leaning out of a window on the second story. "Come see her while she's awake."

"See you tomorrow," Cynthia said, smiling.

"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance," Zepharan replied, turning to go back into the house.

Cynthia deactivated the display and took her datapad with her when she followed.

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