Chapter 26.2

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"He didn't want to go into any of the public areas, so I left him in the Groundskeeper's office," Stecklan said as he and Sabrina walked down the hall.

"And you think this is a good surprise, I take it?"

"Yes, ma'am. Only he, um, may not be quite the person you remember."

They turned the corner, and Stecklan opened the door and waited for Sabrina to pass through. She was barely over the threshold when she shrieked, "Kaz!"

Her brother-in-law turned to fully face her, revealing the long scar along his temple. He tried to smile, but didn't quite manage it. Sabrina hardly noticed, flinging herself at him in an engulfing hug. "Where have you been?" she demanded. "We've been so worried!" She pushed back to hold him at arm's length. "What took you so long?"

He wouldn't meet her eyes. "I didn't know if you'd want to see me."

Sabrina stared at him incredulously. "Didn't know if we'd want to see you? Kaz, you idiot! What in hell would make you think that? Oh—because you impersonated Ford? That was brilliant, although stupid."

The ghost of a grin appeared on his face for a moment, then was gone. "No. Because—because if I'd stayed with her, she might be alive. They wouldn't have caught her. I could have done something—"

"Kaz!" Sabrina squeezed his shoulders hard. "Mira's death was not your fault. You followed protocol."

"You didn't," Kaz said. "And you saved Seuréa."

"I think that was the other way around," Sabrina admitted. "But that was a special case, Kaz. Seuréa wouldn't let me send her away. I tried. The protocols are there for a reason. You did what you were supposed to do."

"She was my little sister!" Kaz burst out. His expression crumpled, and Sabrina put her arms around him as he began to sob, her own tears soaking his shoulder.

"Kaz," she choked out, "nobody blames you. Nobody. We were just so worried!"

"Yes, we were, young idiot!" Ford said as he came through the door. He put his arms around both his brother and his wife. "Kaz," he murmured. "Miah be praised that you're safe, little brother."

They stood like that for a long time, until Sabrina pulled back. "Ford, why don't you introduce Kaz to his niece? And find him something to wear.  I'll get back to wrangling the chaos."

"Oh, no, I don't mean to go to the presentation," Kaz muttered, wiping at his eyes. "I just—I just wanted to see if you were all okay. I thought maybe I'd catch a glimpse on vid later."

"Of course you have to come," Sabrina said firmly. "Everyone else is going to be here. You can't insult us like that, Kaz."

"It's not—I don't mean—"

"Come on, little brother," Ford said, putting a hand on his shoulder and steering him toward the door. "There's no point in arguing with Sabrina, as I'm sure you recall. It's easier just to follow orders. We're still about the same size; you may be a little underdressed, but we'll find something."

I'll call Baldaran, Sabrina thought. Don't let him leave!

Don't worry, Ford replied grimly. I'm not letting him out of my sight. Find Zeph, would you?

Yes, of course. She smiled as Kaz turned to look back at her over his shoulder.

When the brothers were gone, she hurried back into the hall, then made her way down to the vault. Stecklan had beaten her there and was already in the process of contacting Dansestari over the secure line.

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