Chapter 9.4

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It took several hours for everyone to come into position, the Wayships carefully choosing and calculating paths into the asteroid field and the Praxatillian task group maneuvering behind the gas giant on its way toward the far side of the planet. Khediva, much to her dismay, had been chosen to remain hidden as the command post, since she carried representatives from both governments and Avestar—and had the only functional phase shift device, though other Wayships were hastily fabricating parts from Khediva's schematics.

"They're starting to shift position," Ford said, watching the asteroids.

"Yes," Khediva agreed. "But the Reissians have seen the Praxatillian group. They are moving to intercept."

"Shards," Ford swore. "Captain Sandris, you have hostiles moving your way."

"We see them, sir. We're ready."

Ford brought the task group up on the main viewscreen. Cynthia read the names of the three ships with interest: Heart of Rayland, Oath of Cinnavon, and Wisdom of Kurjot. She whispered to Lien, "What do the names mean?"

"The first one is named after the princess' adoptive father," Lien whispered back. "I'm not sure about Wisdom of Kurjot, but I know the story of Cinnavon. She was a famous warrior in the old mountain kingdom of Nô Bahgheir. It was under attack through a pass in the mountains, so the king called for a volunteer to hold the pass. Cinnavon swore none of the enemy soldiers would come through while she was there. And she kept her word; for over a year their enemies tried to send troops through the pass, and Cinnavon and her troops beat them back. But at last a group of traders came through—they were always allowed, even in the worst times. But these traders were spies and poisoned the only source of water. When Cinnavon realized she was dying, she gathered those who could still move, and they went up as high as they could, then used the last of their explosives to set off an avalanche. They all died, but the pass hasn't been cleared to this day, and they say Cinnavon's oath keeps it impassable."

"First impact," Khediva called out. "The Reissian ship is leaking atmosphere."

Mara concentrated, and a moment later the ship's engines exploded.

"Good work, Mara," Tirqwin said. "That looked accidental. Other ships are moving in for rescue operations."

"They'll make easier targets that way," Ford said.

"So much," Khediva murmured, "for the tradition of not attacking rescue ships."

Mara said, "I will target the others first, Khediva. But we will not be the first ones to contravene that tradition. The Reissians have never respected it, nor have the Kyan."

"I would like to think," Khediva said, "that we hold ourselves above such low standards."

"We do," Mara said. "Niavar, command the task group not to fire on ships engaged in rescue operations unless they fire first."

Ford relayed the command and waited for its acknowledgement. "We'll be lucky if that becomes a problem, considering they have half the Reissian fleet to get through before they get to that side."

"Good shot!" Khediva exclaimed as Teti neatly took out a Reissian ship's engines with his asteroid and then, once its shields failed, followed up with well-aimed blasts that sent the crew to their life pods.

Kashmia said, "Khediva, is there any way I might speak to the planet, or at least to Anthalon? We must not forget the ground forces. With the Reissian ships engaged, their troops may be distracted."

It took a moment for Khediva to reply. "I have found the official military channel for Anthalon, I believe. Would you like visual as well?"

"Yes, please." Kashmia drew herself up straighter and went to stand in front of the viewscreen.

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