Chapter 8.2

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The fresh air and physically demanding lifestyle made them all sleepy with the sunset, so they ate early. While Sabrina put Seuréa to bed with the latest installment in her series of stories about Mara as a girl, Stecklan broke the news to the rest of the team. Then he and Ranja set off for the town hall to watch the town's only vidlink.

Sabrina indulged her goddaughter with three stories that night, more to keep busy than because Seuréa asked for them. Then she joined the others in the common room, where Merith and Reya were playing a board game with crudely carved markers against Kendara and Evis.

"We're so very sorry," Kendara said quietly as Sabrina sat down beside her. "Mikolal says you don't want to take any action, but if you change your mind, just let us know."

"No. I can't take the risk. I have to focus on the children I know I can save," Sabrina said, putting her face in her hands. "I just wish I could have gone with them."

None of them bothered to tell her what she knew perfectly well: that her appearance in a crowd could be potentially fatal to them all. While no one worried about willing collaborators, rumors had been going around the past several days about citizens falling prey to the Kyan parasite. They must avoid any of those at all costs.

Sabrina took a deep breath and tried to calm herself. "Please continue with your game," she said, recognizing that they must take advantage of what distractions were available. When her companions returned their focus to the game board, she closed her eyes and began her way down the very long list of people she was praying for God to watch over.


Ranja scooted closer to Stecklan on the plain bench to make room for some of their neighbors. It seemed most of the town had turned out to see what would happen, anxious and grim. Stecklan moved his arm around her gingerly, trying to keep up their cover as husband and wife, and perhaps to steady them both. She missed Nerrill fiercely, but at least he would have understood. No one had dared suggest Stecklan pose as Sabrina's husband, she reflected, and hoped that the prince was all right, wherever he was.

Stecklan was exchanging greetings with some of their fellow citizens. Since his face was not known to be associated with Bathir's royal household, he was mainly responsible for interacting with the townspeople and trying to gather intelligence. Ranja focused on the screen, which was showing some of the damage around the principality. Images of the acres of scorched farmland, mountains with peaks blasted away, and the mighty Bahgheir River befouled with the corpses of wildlife and livestock alike displayed in silence; none of the vid personalities were available to comment, it appeared. She was watching closely, hoping not to see any images of the capital city or the Academy, which appeared to have escaped the worst, though she knew the Reissians had been sending troops in to harass the few residents who remained. She hoped Nerrill and her children were not among them.

Everyone fell abruptly silent as the screen flickered, then changed to a tight view of Commander Mukryilla's face. Stecklan stiffened beside her, and Ranja heard a few murmurs as recognition spread through the group.

"This is Planetary Defense Commander Treva ya yel Kelbn nar Mukryilla, speaking on behalf of the Princess of Bathir," Mukryilla began. "This message is for the Kyan Expeditionary Force, particularly those individuals holding Princess Mirann. We have chosen to accede to your demand that we surrender the palace of Bathir. In return, we demand that you spare Princess Mirann's life and return her, whole and herself, to the people of this planet. Since you have specified no terms of our surrender, we intend to deactivate our defenses and surrender in precisely one hour from now. The Princess of Bathir asks for you to grant this time so that she and her staff may prepare to greet you." She paused. "To the people of Bathir, I give you this message on behalf of your princess: be strong, and be patient. We will endure, as we have endured invasions before. Do not despair, no matter what may happen, or what you may hear. And to all the people of Praxatillus who hear this message, I send my personal greetings and wishes for your safety. It has been an honor to serve you, and it will be an honor to die in the service of King Baldaran III."

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