Chapter 6.1

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After lunch, Sabrina felt well enough to go downstairs with Ford for the interview. She was glad she had when she recognized the two men who were shown into her office. "Citizens Ricar and Radeth! Welcome back to Bathir."

Ford echoed her greeting, adding, "So this is your retirement, Ricar?"

Adj Ricar, formerly sergeant of the Homeworld Task Force, grinned. "If I'd known how lucrative private consulting could be, I'd have retired years ago, your royal highness. Radeth here is a recent hire; he got stuck when the Galactic Affairs Ministry shut down transports. When Stecklan said you needed a security chief, we decided we had to come help you out, if you'll have us. We'll hire some folks to take care of our other clients. There are plenty of qualified people stuck here with nothing to do, these days."

Sabrina smiled. "This is our Housekeeper, Ruallin Sheza. She has some questions for you, I believe. If you take us on, you'll be with friends: Andar Sastarn is our chauffeur, and Lyrabeth Deirian just took on the position of my lady in waiting. And Stecklan is giving us a hand until our security is up to speed."

"It will be like a reunion," Radeth smiled.

Sheza glanced uncertainly at Sabrina, but Ricar said, "Nice to meet you, Housekeeper Sheza. Please ask us anything you'd like. The Prince and Princess have seen some of our work, but not necessarily anything relevant to household security. We want to be sure we're judged on our own merits, not because of our past services."

Sheza smiled at him. "Thank you, Citizen Ricar. I'm sure you understand that we are being very careful, because of the little princess."

"Of course," Ricar said. "I have to admit we haven't done much in the way of nursery security, but I'm sure Subcommander Stecklan, who has Royal Guard experience, will be able to supply any lack."

Radeth added, "And we did recently help install a new security system at Tythir for Major Devon and Lady Aurora. That involved nursery installations."


The interview was a foregone conclusion, Sabrina felt, but she and Ford wanted Sheza to feel confident in the choice. When Ricar and Radeth left, Ford said, "What is your recommendation, Housekeeper? Would you like us to interview more candidates?"

"No," Sheza said. "I feel sure they are qualified. How could they not be, when they've worked for Major Devon? And I know you will be more comfortable with people you already know. My only concern is that they seem to have many clients, and we need someone to live in, full time. It will take them time to hire more workers, and our need is immediate."

"I think we can safely assume we will be their priority," Ford said. "If there are any difficulties, let us know. I believe Stecklan will be able to supervise them satisfactorily."

"Yes," Sheza said, "I'm glad to have an expert to work with the Royal Guard installers. They are due to begin tomorrow. The painters will also be in the nursery tomorrow, your highness. I've let the Academy primary school know the color scheme; the students are making drawings and paintings for the little princess, and you'll be able to choose from among them."

"That takes care of the decorating," Sabrina smiled.


Marie and Seuréa, who had arrived earlier, were settled in enough to join them for dinner; Sabrina also invited the trio of researchers, even though she disliked the third, Ruharisha Shkali, an Ooralan, whose pheromones repelled women almost as powerfully as they attracted men. Ford had encountered Ooralans before, so Sabrina wasn't worried about him being particularly susceptible, but he did enjoy flirting with Risha. Sabrina tried not to feel like a sickly, unattractive hippo and occupied herself with talking to Reya, Eshene, and the girls. Marie was mostly silent, but Seuréa was full of questions.

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