Chapter 3.2

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Sabrina joined Ford in the Inheritor's apartment to meet the new governess; then they went to their own apartment, which they hadn't used since Baldaran's coronation. The rooms had an empty, disused feel to them that reminded Sabrina of her first return to Praxatillus, after an absence of nearly a century.

"Speaking of that," Ford said, "I should go up and take a look at the ship."

"Why? The attack wasn't anywhere near it," Sabrina pointed out.

"I just want to check on everything. And maybe do a few small-scale experiments for my class project. We were working on a strictly theoretical basis, since students aren't allowed anywhere near Wayships, but I could actually test a few theories using my equipment."

Sabrina had been surprised when Ford opted to follow the Wayship engineering track instead of undergoing training for prospective Tirqwins, but now she understood. "You've never said what this class project was."

"All anyone is interested in these days is finding a way to counter the Way disruptor," Ford said. "Others are working on planet-based countermeasures, but we were focused on doing so within a Way."

"You are not taking that ship anywhere until after this baby is born," Sabrina said, feeling a pit open in her stomach at the thought.

"No, I promise I won't," he said. "Though I might use the realspace engines to move her out of Praxatillus orbit to power up the Way engines. Not for travel, but to test a few things. And," he added to forestall her protest, "I will submit to any military guard you or Baldaran or the Commander insist on."

"The military can't protect you against an experiment gone awry," she pointed out. "I'm afraid it would just give you innocent bystanders to worry about."

Ford grinned. "True."

"I have the feeling they're short-staffed right now anyway. Not being able to move personnel and equipment around freely is a big problem," Sabrina mused.

Ford led the way into her study. "Let's get caught up. I hate feeling like I'm behind the times."

"We should visit Marie while we're here," Sabrina said. "And Lien too. And we should look into getting a cat for here; we can't be dragging Bennie and Trixie back and forth all the time."

"I don't intend us to be here much," Ford said. "Especially if Dansestari is a Kyan target. You particularly should stay in Bathir unless absolutely necessary." He gave the ancient comconsole one last longing glance. "Let's start with Lien. I need some time to work up to Marie."

Sabrina sighed. "Me too."


Lien was in the ambulatory ward of the infirmary, sitting with a group of fellow patients watching vid of last night's attack. Sabrina and Ford paused on the threshold, their attention caught by the spectacular display of pyrotechnics over Dansestari.

That's not normal, Sabrina thought, watching the shield give off thin streams of energy. Not unless things have changed radically.

Nobody would design a shield to waste energy like that. I think the emitters need looked at, Ford agreed. Or else they were sabotaged.

That's why the secondary defenses have to be activated by the Crystal, so that they're inert and invisible to saboteurs when not active, Sabrina thought. It's a good thing we were here. Why haven't we heard from Mara and Tirqwin?

I don't know, but it can't be good. I wish we'd at least get news of Avestar. That might tell us how much trouble we're in.

"Can I help you, your highnesses?" a passing attendant asked.

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