Chapter 9.3

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Lien was actually snorting part of his drink through his nose because he was laughing so hard when Kashmia walked into the galley. "It is a good thing the baby is a sound sleeper," she remarked.

"Yes, he is," Cynthia agreed. She was well-versed in handling parents, so she knew exactly what else to say. "And such a handsome boy! I'll bet he's a good eater too, isn't he? It's been a long time since I've seen such a healthy baby. How old is he exactly?"

Kashmia smiled. "Approaching a month. And as far as I can tell, perfect in every way."

"Yes, you are, aren't you?" Cynthia cooed to the blinking baby as she handed him to his mother. "Ah, and hungry."

"Yes, I could tell it was time," Kashmia said, unfastening her blouse. The baby's cries stopped abruptly as he began nursing.

"How is the strategy session going?" Lien asked, having recovered his composure.

Kashmia sighed. "I have no doubt they will be able to destroy or otherwise remove the Reissian fleet. Whether they destroy the planet in the process appears to be in question, unless I am there to remind them not to do so."

Cynthia gave a small smile. "Let me guess. They're all researchers, not practitioners?"

"So I gather, though certainly Father and Niavar have plenty of practical experience," Kashmia replied. "I trust that Mother will keep them from endangering my fellow citizens while I tend to the baby and get some rest."

Khediva announced, "Three Praxatillian ships have entered the outer edges of the system. Captain Sandris is requesting to come aboard."

Lien sprang to his feet and bolted from the galley, with Cynthia just a few steps behind him. When they reached the control deck, a woman in uniform with grey-streaked brown hair was saluting Mara.

"Captain Sabrina Sandris of the Heart of Rayland," she introduced herself. "Under orders to find and report to the Guardian."

"Commendations on completing the first part of your assignment, Captain," Mara said. "Please give me the latest status report you have on Praxatillus."

"We're attached to the First Fleet, ma'am," Sandris said. "We were disabled in the initial invasion and then stood down under orders."

"Bathir," Ford said, coming forward. "What happened to Bathir?"

"Still standing, sir," she said. "Um. If I might begin at the beginning?"

"Any word of my wife?" Ford demanded.

"No, sir. I believe she escaped. We know she has not been captured, at least."

Ford let out a long breath. "Thank you, Captain. Please proceed."

"When the invasion began, the orbital forces were all knocked out of action, so the King ordered everyone to stand by until reinforcements could arrive. The cities evacuated. They had threatened to destroy the palace at Bathir, but the King told them the Inheritor was there, so there was a standoff. For several days nothing much happened. We heard rumors of some sporadic fighting planetside but nothing definitive. Then the Reissians went on vid to say they had captured Princess Mirann and that if the palace of Bathir didn't surrender they would kill her." She took a deep breath. "Commander Mukryilla surrendered the palace in the name of the princess. But when the Reissians took it over there was no one there. They looted the place and, a little later, they, um." She cleared her throat and glanced at Mara, biting her lip. "I am so terribly sorry, ma'am. They executed her. On vid."

Mara and Tirqwin blinked at her, more puzzled than alarmed. After a few moments, Mara said, "You mean they sent a vid purporting to show her execution. But I assure you I have felt no danger to any of my children through the Crystal."

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