Chapter 19: Secret Weapon

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"Captain Lndor reports that all Praxatillian ships are secure," Khediva announced, breaking Tirqwin's reverie. "Shuran and Shahina are finishing their calculations. They hope that we can emerge somewhere in the Outer Rim if we act now." She paused. "Nllata aïé Madat do not think two High Wayships are enough to break out of a Way of this magnitude."

"Two are all we have," Tirqwin said, puzzled. "What do they think the solution is?"

"Madat is calculating how we could possibly combine the rest of the matrices into a chain of sorts," Khediva replied. "That is risky, however, and Shahina and Shuran have agreed that they prefer to make the attempt themselves first."

Tirqwin wished that normal communications were working so he could get a feel for what the other Tirqwins thought, but unfortunately only the Wayships were able to speak with each other within this Way. "When?"

"We are to be prepared in ten minutes." Khediva paused. "I would like for you to don an environmental suit, Tirqwin. If my hull is breached, it may be your only chance for survival."

"If you are breached by emergence, it is unlikely to be survivable by either of us," Tirqwin said. "But very well. I see no point in spurning anything that may help."

As he got into the suit, he said, "Khediva, do the High Wayships think our emergence will close this Way?"

"Unknown," Khediva replied. "A normal Way would close once the initiating Wayship exited. But none of us initiated this Way, so the removal of our energy may have little or no effect. I believe it will depend on whether the initiating ships are still putting energy in, or whether they have left it to be self-sustaining. In any case the effect will take time to reach the mouth of the Way, which is now quite distant from us." She paused again, then sighed and added, "Shahina told me that she believes Praxatillus is already lost."

Tirqwin shook his head as he finished fastening the suit and drew on his gloves. "She underestimates Mara. Not for the first time."

"That is my hope as well," Khediva said. "I plan to use the next few minutes to finalize my log. Would you care to record a report?"

"Yes," Tirqwin said, anxious for anything to do besides contemplate the danger ahead, to him and to everyone he loved. "Thank you."

It took only a few minutes to add to the report he had begun filing after they were trapped in the massive Way, and he debated for a few moments before beginning a private communication to be delivered to Mara if he did not survive. But it was hard to find the words to say what they had always known through their link, and he recorded only a few sentences before Khediva announced, "One minute. I suggest you use the tie-downs."

Tirqwin completed his preparations just as she said, "Five seconds."

"It has been an honor and a pleasure, Khediva," he murmured.

"Thank you for the journey," she replied, as the deckplates began to shake. "Crisis emergence," she added, a formality from sheer habit.

Since there was nothing he could do to help, Tirqwin closed his eyes and thought of Mara's face.


"The barrier's down," Kendara announced as she entered the infirmary. "How are you doing, ma'am?"

Sabrina was still panting a little from the last contraction. "I've been better. You're finished?"

"We're as ready as we can be," Kendara replied. "Lyssara says they haven't found us yet, so we're taking turns on break. We're going to take some of the bedrolls and see if we can get in a nap, since we didn't get a full night's sleep."

"Yes, get some rest. And eat and drink something," Sabrina advised.

"Yes, ma'am. Do you need anything?"

Sabrina smiled wryly, looking around at Merith, Rutha, Cynthia, Ranja, and Pinsi, all poised to wipe her brow or fetch her more ice chips. "I'm well supplied," she said. "You take care of security. You'll shortly have one more to worry about."

"At least she won't be mobile yet," Kendara said cheerfully. "Send someone if you need any of us. If we hear or see any movement, I'll send Lyssara back up to you."

Pinsi said, "Can I come? I can keep Lyssara company."

Kendara glanced at Rutha, who hesitated before saying, "All right. Get some sleep, pet. Mind you stay with Lyssara and come back when she does."

"Yes, mama," Pinsi replied, following Kendara out.

"She is not much interested in my work," Rutha said apologetically.

Sabrina smiled. "Sometimes that is a good thing. I'm not eager for Lily to follow too closely in my footsteps, believe me. Oh, here comes another one."

"Breathe," the women chorused.

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