Chapter 22.4

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Sabrina's surgery went well, and she woke with a sense of amazement at how different she felt. As her strength returned, she attempted to gather up the reins of the household again, but she found herself frustrated at how elusive they were and had to settle for dealing with the random issues that came to her ears.

"Aurora," she greeted her sister-in-law two days after her surgery. "How are things? Any word from Tythir?"

"Everyone is well," Aurora assured her. "I have been arranging transport for some of the patients here to go to facilities there. Bathir is overwhelmed, and the other principalities wish to carry part of the burden. However, what I need to speak with you about is a bit closer to home."

"What can I do for you?" Sabrina asked, eager to feel useful again.

"Captain Evis' funeral has been scheduled, and the Inheritor has expressed a wish to attend. It is in Pendarazloch, however."

Sabrina frowned. Baldaran had recently expressed a desire to gather his siblings in Dansestari, including Seuréa. She knew the Inheritor's presence was an added pressure on their security team, which was already stretched thin, and she knew that Seuréa would probably benefit from a return to her normal routine. But it was hard to part with her after all this time.

"Of course she should attend," Sabrina said. "She isn't technically in my custody, but she has my permission."

Aurora smiled wryly. "You have custody of her because you are the only person currently on the planet who is even remotely qualified to undertake the task. No one, not even the King, wishes to contest your right."

Sabrina returned the smile. "You mean Baldaran is far too busy to argue about something that isn't a crisis at the moment."

Aurora nodded with a chuckle. "And that he won't be creating areas of difficulty with Ford right now if he can avoid it." She sobered. "The problem is, I have never been particularly close to the Inheritor, since she has her own household. This is, I gather, her first experience with the death of someone close to her. I intend to take her little friend with us, and Rutha has graciously agreed to go, but I would feel better if you could convince Ford to come with us, since you obviously cannot."

"Ford said no?" Sabrina asked, surprised.

"He says he cannot get through all the work he has to do as it is and that he cannot leave Bathir."

Sabrina sighed, but she knew it was true. Ford had all he could handle and more trying to put their ruined principality back together by himself until she could recover. She had barely seen him, except late at night, and Cynthia was looking increasingly exhausted. "Are any of their other siblings here?"

"The King has given assignments to those who have volunteered for them," Aurora said. "Princess Kalira arrived at Dansestari today but is keeping to herself," she added, just remembering.

"She and Mira were agemates," Sabrina said, her throat closing as she thought of Mira. "Any word of Kaz?"

"No," Aurora said. "But things are still chaotic. I am sure we would have heard if he had been hurt. Prince Malick is expected to be moved to Dansestari in the next few days."

"So everyone is accounted for except Kaz?"

"I believe so, yes. Cynthia will have the details," Aurora said. "Meanwhile, Mother is coming to help you settle into the beach house. I think it has relieved Ford's mind considerably."

"It relieves mine too," Sabrina said. Selémahs' calm good sense was welcome in any situation, but especially in one where Sabrina and Ford were in disagreement. Sabrina hated the thought of going so far from the capital city, where her husband and liegepeople were dealing with so many problems, but Ford insisted a quiet and more secure environment would be best for her and the baby. He promised to come home every night, but Sabrina wondered how in the world he would manage it with sub-orbital traffic still having navigational difficulties. "Send Seuréa in to talk to me tomorrow. I'll ask her if there's anyone besides Ford she would like to accompany her."

"Thank you," Aurora smiled.

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