Chapter 1.4

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Sabrina had been to the King's apartments only once, in the hectic period between his coronation and her return to Marna'amat. Then she had admired the transformation of the rooms from Mara's elegant but somewhat cluttered style to a simpler, minimalist environment; now she noticed that an attempt had been made to enliven the decor a bit.

"Who's been redecorating for you?" Ford greeted his brother, who rose from his chair to greet them.

Baldaran smiled. "Welcome back, Niavar. And well done. I've heard nothing but good things about your tenure."

"Thus proving our communications have been disrupted," Ford laughed. "Anyway, it was all Sabrina's hard work. I was having fun at school."

"And my dear sister-in-law. Look at you! Why was this not mentioned in any of the many lengthy reports you sent?" Baldaran demanded, giving her a hug. "Congratulations!"

"Ford wanted to surprise everyone," she replied, returning his smile.

Baldaran rolled his eyes, then turned to the others. "Consul Deirian, Specialist Sastarn, Major Kendara, and Ms. Cadolar, welcome home, with thanks for your service. But where is Major Lien?"

"The infirmary," Tirqwin said. "He was badly damaged by a malfunctioning stasis pod and vacuum exposure. Khediva feels he will recover but did not wish to attempt his resuscitation with the limited equipment we have aboard."

Baldaran sobered. "Ah. Thank you, Father, for bringing them home. None of the crew survived?"

Tirqwin shook his head. "I am afraid not. We searched all the life pods thoroughly, but they had all been fired upon. The Kyan are nothing if not consistent."

"I will inform the families," Baldaran said, shaking his head sadly.

"And, I hope, not travel yourself," Tirqwin said. "Obviously the technology is not yet mature."

"Given all that is happening, I do not believe I will be leaving the planet in the near future," Baldaran assured him. "I have already spoken to the engineering team who worked on the yacht, but we will not be building a new one yet. Priority must go to retrofitting military vessels and trading ships."

"I'd like a few words with them as well," Ford muttered.

"It is a pity your ship would be even less safe," Baldaran remarked.

Sabrina cut off Ford's annoyed response. "Baldaran, may I sit? My feet hurt."

"Of course," Baldaran said hurriedly. "Please, all of you, sit. Commander Mukryilla and Prime Minister Betharn will be here momentarily, and then we will begin. Mother, you look tired; would you like refreshments?"

Mara smiled. "Thank you, my son. I believe that would be a good idea for us all."

Baldaran tapped a button on a nearby table and issued quiet instructions. A few moments later, servers carrying trays of snacks and drinks appeared. Sabrina, conscious of several pairs of eyes watching, chose the most nutritious-looking thing and made herself eat it, though she would much rather have had one of the puff pastries. As she munched unenthusiastically, she caught Mara looking at her, eyes crinkled in knowing amusement. She smiled back.

"So tell me," Baldaran said, "about my new nephew? Niece?"

"Niece," Ford said proudly. "Perfectly healthy, according to our doctor on Homeworld, as well as Khediva. Due in about three months by the Praxatillian calendar. She must be born in Bathir, of course."

"Of course," Baldaran said. "Have you chosen her name yet?"

"Lilonwy Anatobia," Ford said. "After her great-great-grandmother and both grandmothers."

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