Chapter 1.3

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Sabrina slept soundly, waking only when Ford gently moved her over so he could crawl into bed behind her. "All right?" she murmured.

"Now I am," he replied, wrapping his arms around her and placing a kiss behind her ear. "You?"

"We're fine. And that's not just my opinion, but Khediva's," she replied, smiling.

"Good. Father says we won't reach the Praxera system for several hours yet. Have you eaten?" He reached over her to give Bennie a scratch on the chin.

"I had something lovely and, I'm sure, nutritious to drink earlier. I'm not hungry yet."

"All right. We'll have something when we wake up." Ford yawned. "Go back to sleep, Sabrina."

She snuggled back against him and gave a sigh of contentment.


When they woke a few hours later, Khediva greeted them by saying, "I have produced some clothes for you, since all your luggage was lost."

"Thanks, Khediva," Sabrina said. "Well, I'm glad we weren't carrying any of the regalia with us."

"And most of the clothes we bought on Homeworld wouldn't fit in well at home," Ford said.

Sabrina sighed. "I had most of my jewelry with me, though."

"We'll ask the investigative team to look for the luggage," Ford said. "It was in a sealed compartment as well. It may still be intact."

Sabrina shook her head. "Baldaran's brand new royal yacht. I don't think he even got to use it."

"He can thank us for finding the design flaws for him," Ford grumbled as he got out of bed.

"There is that," Sabrina said as she got out of bed and went over to examine the simple dress Khediva had provided. "Khediva, I don't suppose any of the crew survived?"

"No, Sabrina," Khediva said gently. "We found some occupied life pods, but they had been ruptured by Kyan weaponry. Your compartment was also badly damaged, but fortunately the stasis pods held."

"It's worse than we thought," she murmured. "We knew travel was dangerous, but I didn't think they'd be able to find us."

"It may have been random," Khediva said. "Kyan and Reissian raiding parties have been attacking ships of all kinds lately. It appears to be an attempt to isolate Homeworld. All Wayships have been forbidden to approach the system or to answer distress calls, even from other Wayfarers."

Ford frowned. "We weren't told that."

"It is not something our government wishes to advertise," Khediva said dryly. "I believe Praxatillus has been experiencing a milder form of harassment. Galactic trade is drying up. Until someone can invent a form of shielding against the Way disruption technology, no one is safe."

"I suppose we're easier targets trapped on our respective planets," Ford mused.

"Yes. And there is no reason to suppose even a planet's defenses could prove effective against such a massive spatial disruption. At the very least, it would cause planetwide upheaval."

"I'm surprised Mara hasn't tried something," Sabrina said.

"I believe she has," Khediva said. "I believe that is why Avestar is merely blockaded and not destroyed."

"Blockaded? I thought they were just being harassed," Ford said, alarmed.

"Your news is out of date," Khediva said. "They appear to be the unlucky bait the Kyan have chosen for the Guardian." After a slight pause, she added, "We are approaching emergence, if you would care to dress. Maratobia should be meeting us immediately after we regain normal space."

When they were dressed, they joined their friends in the galley area and managed a quick snack before the emergence warning sounded. When the slight moment of disorientation passed, Sabrina and Ford went to the control deck.

Maratobia, Guardian and former queen of Praxatillus, was already there, beaming at them. "My children!" she said, going over to hug first Ford, then Sabrina. "And my first granddaughter. I am so pleased!"

"Kashmia's second child was a son, then?" Ford asked. "We haven't gotten any news from Avestar lately."

"Yes, another fine son. It is difficult for them to get messages out, but I went for the birth," Mara said. "Now, let me concentrate for a moment. We should not linger in this time period."

"When are we?" Sabrina asked.

"Your regency," Mara replied. "That way we could be sure that only one of us would have any counterpart in this system at this time, and yours is safely on the planet."

Sabrina grimaced. "Then let's be gone by all means. This wasn't exactly safe space then."

Mara smiled, closed her eyes, and focused. Sabrina felt a brief moment of nonbeing, and then it was over.

"Praxatillus Control to Wayship Khediva. You are cleared for docking at Orbital Station Two," a familiar voice greeted them.

"Thank you, Commander Mukryilla," Khediva replied. "I am transmitting the coordinates at which your ship was destroyed. Spatial disruption is still extreme, but the gravitational effects should fade by the time your team arrives."

"Thank you, Wayship Khediva," Planetary Defense Commander Treva nar Mukryilla replied. "We are grateful for your assistance. His Majesty invites you all to the Residence to debrief at your earliest convenience."

Mara cast a wry glance at Tirqwin. "I still find it difficult to adjust to being summoned."

He smiled. "It is quite a change for you to be in the service of all Miahns, instead of having people in your service."

Sabrina grinned at them both and said, "We'll be down shortly, Treva."

"Thank you, your highness. And welcome home."

"Thank you, Treva. See you shortly." Sabrina glanced around as the staff joined them on the control deck. "We're going directly to the Residence to be debriefed. I guess the lack of luggage is a good thing."

Ranja said, "Your highness, if you don't mind, could Nerrill take the children to Bathir instead? I don't think they have anything to contribute to a debriefing."

"Nor do the cats," Nerrill agreed. "Nor I, for that matter—at least, nothing that Ranja doesn't know."

"Yes, go ahead," Sabrina said. She glanced at Ford, who was smirking as he envisioned Baldaran's orderly chambers overrun by children and cats. "I think that will help things go faster."

Ford said, "Nerrill, no spoiling our announcement! But ask the chief physician to be ready to take a look at Sabrina."

"I'm fine. Khediva already examined me," Sabrina protested.

"But the chief physician is the one who makes the announcement," Ford said. "And we have to do it immediately, before you're seen or, Miah forfend, caught on vid."

"Ah. Obviously there is protocol to this situation you haven't seen fit to inform me of," Sabrina said, folding her arms.

"Isn't there always?" Ford grinned. "Let's see if we can get in front of the rumor mill just this once. I was terribly let down that no one was surprised by our engagement."

"They might have been," Mara said, "if you had not already been behaving like an engaged couple for some months previously."

Ford started to retort, then realized he had no real defense. Sabrina grinned. "Oh, just wait until our daughter wants to get married!"

They all burst out laughing at Ford's expression of dismay. Mara took pity and said, "Are we ready? Khediva, would you mind handling the transport to Bathir?"

"Not at all," she responded. "Good luck to you all. Sabrina, I will speak with you again before we depart."

"Thank you, Khediva. For everything."

"It was my pleasure, dear child."

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