Chapter 18.3

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Baldaran wasn't surprised to find troops lined up outside the ramp of the transport—that was a royal tradition, even in times of war. But he was astonished to see the crowd of refugees standing silently beyond the makeshift barrier, pausing in their evacuation efforts to catch a glimpse of him. He raised a hand in greeting and called out, "Miah's blessings on you, brave people of Bathir!"

A brief cheer erupted. Mukryilla and Baldaran saluted the troops, who then went back to the business of organizing the refugees, some of whom were already lining up to board the royal transport. Baldaran felt the weight of history descend on him again and stopped to ask each of the children he passed their names, reflecting that they might someday be the only surviving witnesses to the planet's final day—and his. He wanted them to remember him as calm and reassuring.

The Way was growing noticeably larger as they boarded a flyer to head into the city. Mukryilla murmured into her comlink for most of the journey, giving orders and receiving reports. The evacuation had picked up speed with the addition of the First Fleet, and the Reissian ships were withdrawing from the solar system. The Kyan ships had all come down to the planet's surface, where they ignored everything but the search for the Inheritor in the Western Nô Bahgheir Mountains.

If we could close the Way, maybe we could trap the Kyan in atmosphere, Baldaran thought. How much time do we have left?

Mukryilla turned to him. "Coastal areas are reporting extreme tides and flooding. I would not be surprised if we began to experience temblors along the tectonic plates as well. It is just as well people are moving to the major cities, which are mostly away from those risks."

"Do we have an estimate of how many people have gotten safely offplanet?"

"It is chaotic, and we do not have reports from the civilian ships that launched. But I am afraid it is still a very small percentage of our population." Mukryilla looked out the windscreen, her expression pained. "We cannot save them all."

"No," Baldaran said, "we cannot evacuate them all. I have not given up on saving them all, however. If we remove the Way, the damage to the planet can be stopped, or even repaired." He paused, taking in her skeptical expression. "Homeworld has lost more than a dozen Wayships in that Way. Do you not think they will investigate, or attempt to intervene?"

"The Wayfarers willing to assist us are those in danger," she replied. "Homeworld is far more likely to hold the surviving Wayships in reserve for its own defense." She grabbed for the emergency strap as the flyer bucked, caught in a sudden updraft.

"Even if they believe the Great Crystal may be in danger of destruction? That would surely affect their space."

"Perhaps. It would also, however, achieve one of their ancient goals."

Baldaran smiled wryly. "You have never quite believed in this alliance, have you, Commander?"

"I would never wish such an admission to come to Sabrina's ears, when she sacrificed so much to bring it about," Mukryilla said slowly. "But we were fortunate in the Tirqwin who rescued your mother. It could so easily have been one who perceived it his duty to twist the situation to his advantage, to use his position to undermine us and pass intelligence to Homeworld."

Baldaran shook his head. "Perhaps. Though I believe Mother could have turned anyone to her aid, all the more because she had Sabrina and Scotty to help her do so. Which is not to say that I do not believe Father is remarkable in his own right."

Their conversation paused as the flyer struggled to land on the Academy green, wobbling in the updraft and then abruptly dropping to the ground. It was by far the worst landing Baldaran had ever experienced, but Mukryilla seemed to hardly notice it. She got out first, weapon drawn as she looked closely around the green. Baldaran followed after she relaxed her stance somewhat, noting the figure jogging over to them.

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