Chapter 17.1

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Everyone in the flyer kept their eyes on the sky over the road ahead, where the Kyan ship hovering a few meters above the ridgeline grew larger as they approached. It seemed to have no trouble keeping stationary, despite the definite updraft Sastarn continued to wrestle with, visible in the whipping tree branches.

Stecklan mused, "I wonder if we will benefit from whatever they're using to cancel out the atmospheric turbulence once we're under them?"

"I'm more worried about whether they'll shoot us down before we even get there," Sastarn said.

Lyrabeth said, "We probably look pretty harmless. We're not armed, and we've obviously had trouble."

Ford sucked in a breath, his hands going to the seat armrests, where his fingers turned white with pressure. Lyrabeth grabbed the scanner out of the medkit again, a perplexed frown on her face. "I'm not reading anything wrong," she said.

"He's obviously in pain," Stecklan pointed out. "How can—oh no."

"What?" Lyrabeth asked.

"Sir?" Stecklan said as Ford let out his breath and relaxed again. "Is it the princess?"

Ford nodded, trying to recover his composure. "Sabrina's gone into labor. They had it stopped for a while, but it's started again."

"Are they somewhere safe?" Lyrabeth asked anxiously.

"They made it to the mine. Shards and splinters, I don't want my daughter born in a mine tunnel!" Ford ground out, clenching his fists. "Sastarn, can you go any faster?"

"I'm doing my best, sir." Sastarn moved his head to track something in his field of vision. "We've got company," he announced. "It's one of ours—a troop carrier."

Stecklan leaned forward to take a look. "Yes, heading the same direction we are. I don't know how they think they're going to land troops, though—it would be madness to parachute in these conditions, and there's not a flat patch of land for miles."

"Keep them in sight," Ford said. "This flyer isn't big enough; we'll need something larger to transport Sabrina and Seuréa and the others once we get to them."

"Too bad the com's down," Sastarn said, casting a regretful glance at the blank instrumentation display.

Stecklan said, "We couldn't use clear com this close to the enemy even if it weren't. I just wish we knew whether they've noticed us."

"I haven't seen any change," Lyrabeth said, peering at the Kyan ship. "Which is strange in itself. If they're meant to be landing troops, why don't they? What are they achieving hovering there? There's not a town for miles."

"Maybe the jamming is working," Ford said hopefully.

"Or they're waiting for the rest of their landing party," Stecklan said, pointing to the right. "Look."

"Shards," Ford swore, counting. "Where did they all come from? Everything in orbit should have been affected by that Way."

"Obviously this was all part of their plan," Stecklan said grimly.

"Eight," Ford finished, then paused to endure another contraction.

"Can't you block the link temporarily?" Stecklan asked, concerned.

Ford shook his head. "She's frightened," he gasped out. "I couldn't block her if I wanted to. And I don't. She shouldn't have to do this alone."

"If we go straight to where she is, we'll lead them to the Inheritor," Sastarn pointed out. "We need a diversion."

Ford frowned as the Kyan ships descended toward nearby peaks. "I don't think they know where she is. This looks like a search."

"Yes," Stecklan agreed. "All the more reason not to give them clues."

Way of No Return (Champions of the Crystal Book 8)Where stories live. Discover now