Chapter 7.4

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Sabrina slowly became aware of a conversation nearby, but she was still so tired, and she wanted to take advantage of the fact that for once she and the baby seemed to be sleepy at the same time. So she kept her eyes closed and half-listened, frowning as she heard the sounds of a scuffle.

"There. Good."

A childish giggle escaped, quickly muffled. "You are a good teacher. Thank you."

"I am surprised you have not been taught to defend yourself," Reya's voice said.

"I have a bodyguard."

"That does no good if someone separates you," Reya pointed out.

"Yes, I know. That is why I thank you for teaching me," Seuréa said. After a moment, she asked, "Are you going to marry Baldaran?"


"Why not?"

There was a pause. "I am not what he needs."

Sabrina could picture the Inheritor's thoughtful expression. "But how do you know?"

"He needs someone who will be a good consort, who can make people love her. Like Sabrina. All the staff at Bathir wanted to help her, even if it meant endangering their own lives. The people who work with me respect me for my abilities, but they do not love me. I do not have that talent."

"You don't think you could learn it?"

"Why are you so interested, your royal highness?"

"I love my brother. All of them, of course, but especially Ford and Baldaran. Ford looks out for the rest of us because he's the oldest, but Baldaran has always looked out for us too, because he knew he would be King when Mama decided to stop being Queen. And Baldaran is home more. Ford has Sabrina so he's happy, but I want Baldaran to be happy too. And he smiles more when you're there." There was a pause; then Seuréa continued. "Don't you love him?"

There was a long pause before Reya said, "I am not sure I know what it means to love."

"Didn't you have a mama and papa? Or any brothers or sisters?" Seuréa asked, sounding incredulous.

"We had no home. Our planet was destroyed; we had nothing. When my parents realized my intellectual abilities, they managed to get me admitted to a good school where I could live a safe life and always have enough to eat. But they could not stay with me. They had to keep moving, looking for work. They were not wealthy, and I had no money, so we could not afford com access. I lost touch with them many years before I graduated."

There was a sniffle, and Reya said, "Do not cry, your royal highness. I am not sad anymore, and I do not wish to be pitied."

Sabrina could almost feel the waves of distress emanating from Seuréa, and she rolled over and reached out her arm. "Seuréa, sweetie, come give me a hug."

The Inheritor threw herself into Sabrina's embrace, trying valiantly not to sob. Sabrina said, "It is a very sad story, Seuréa. But it was a long time ago, and it doesn't tell us anything about our future. Do you understand?"

"But what if I never see Mama or Papa or Ford or Baldaran or Marie ever again?" Seuréa wailed.

Sabrina pressed a kiss into her tangled curls, fighting her own despair as she tried to think of an answer that wouldn't be false hope. Before she could come up with one, Reya spoke again.

"You go on, your royal highness. You will find other things to live for, and other people who will love you. You are not like me. You have the gift of making people love you."

Seuréa turned her head to look at Reya. "I do?"

"Of course you do," Sabrina said. "But it isn't really a gift, is it? Shall we tell her the secret?"

Seuréa looked at Sabrina, her eyes wide. "There's a secret?"

"Not in the sense of people not knowing it, but in the sense of it being the key to the puzzle," Sabrina explained. She looked at Reya. "You make people love you by loving them first. It's very simple."

Reya looked thoughtful. "You are saying that you love every single person who works for you?"

"Yes, to varying degrees. They are all my responsibility, after all."

Seuréa looked curious. "Did you love me first, Sabrina?"

Sabrina hugged her tightly. "Of course I did. I held you a minute after you were born. I gave you a kiss and welcomed you to the world. And I will always love you. Because that is the other part of the secret: you must never stop loving, no matter what."

"I won't, no matter what," Seuréa whispered fiercely.

"Good." Sabrina tucked a curl behind the girl's ear. "And I don't want you to worry too much about the others. I believe we will see them again, and soon. They are all very smart, and they know what to do. And I look forward to telling your mother how brave you were."

Seuréa smiled a little, then rummaged in her pocket. "It's not me who's brave. It's Lien." She pulled a small figurine out and handed it to Sabrina.

"Your bagheen," Sabrina remembered, turning the little winged figure over in her hands. Seuréa had made it shortly after her return home from Kyan captivity and named it for Ford's bodyguard, who had helped take care of her. "I didn't realize you had him with you."

"I put him in my pocket yesterday morning. I usually leave him beside my bed, but something told me to take him with me. I'm glad I did."

"I'm glad too."

A noise outside made them all freeze. Reya went to the door and listened closely as Sabrina sat up and urged Seuréa to climb up on the bed behind her. Sabrina glanced at the other bed; Merith was awake and reaching into her medkit, withdrawing a small stunner. But the knock at the door was in the correct rhythm, so Reya opened it.

"Ah, good," Stecklan said, looking around at all of them, "you're awake. We've found a vehicle. I also found us a guide. Your royal highness, your highness, may I present Corporal Sian of the Bathiran militia."

Sabrina straightened a little as the young man saluted her. "At ease, Corporal," she smiled. "I'm not in your chain of command."

"Pardon, ma'am, but yes, you are," he replied. "You and the prince both hold the rank of Subcommander in the Bathiran militia."

Sabrina dimly recalled being presented with a uniform in the rush of festivities following the state wedding. "Ah. I thought that was merely honorary."

He grinned at her. "Maybe for other princesses, but not for you, ma'am. I brought weapons and rations, and a transport. I know the foothills well; I was born and raised there. My squad is at your command. We've been out looking for you since we heard the palace was threatened."

"Thank you, Corporal. Please put yourself at Subcommander Stecklan's disposal and follow his orders. He is in charge of my security team."

"Yes, ma'am." He saluted her and turned to follow Stecklan out.

Merith got up, stretching with a wince. "Let's have a look at you, your highness," she said. "Then breakfast before we set off again."

Sabrina watched Merith closely for clues, dreading the faintest hint of a frown. "How am I, Doctor? More importantly, how's Lily?"

"Much better than I expected. Your cellular damage appears to have stopped." Merith thought for a moment. "I wonder if the disruption you are experiencing in your link to the prince has interrupted whatever the Crystal was attempting to do."

"Ah. A silver lining if there ever was one," Sabrina said, laying her hands on the baby and rubbing gently. Hang in there, Lily. Every day we can buy you counts.

"Yes. And now, breakfast," Merith said, turning to put the scanner back in her medkit.

Way of No Return (Champions of the Crystal Book 8)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora