Chapter 4.1

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Sabrina laid down her fork, having eaten the last bite of vegetable on her plate, and Baldaran signaled for the dessert service to begin. As the servers worked, Baldaran's final guest arrived. He got to his feet and greeted her with a kiss; Ford started to get up, then reached over to assist Sabrina, who was struggling to push back her chair.

"No, don't get up," Baldaran said to them. "Sabrina, I believe you've met Doctor Xohlen Areyashanarll?"

"Yes. It's a pleasure to see you again," Sabrina replied.

"Thank you. It is agreeable to see you again as well," Reya replied. "And I have long had a great curiosity to meet you, your royal highness."

"I'm pleased to meet you as well," Ford responded. "What may I do to satisfy your curiosity?"

"Give me a genetic sample," she replied promptly.

"Ah. That, I'm afraid, will need permission," Ford said. "But we'll work on it. I understand you'll be relocating to Bathir, so—"

"I told you I will not!" Reya said, turning to Baldaran. "Why do you not listen to me when I speak?"

Ford, taken aback, looked at Sabrina, who shrugged.

"Reya," Baldaran began.

"It is nonsensical to send me away. Who will defend you from the next person who tries to kill you in your sleep?" Reya demanded.

Sabrina realized that Reya's right wrist was bandaged, as Ford choked slightly at the mental image her statement was evoking.

"My bodyguards, whose job it is," Baldaran replied evenly.

"They did not protect you last night!"

"They would have. You interfered with their duty. It was not correct behavior, Reya."

She threw up her hands. "Correct behavior! It is not correct behavior to allow one's lover to be murdered, either!"

"Nor one's King," Ford murmured, beginning to enjoy the scene.

"He is not my King!" Reya pointed out. "I do not have to take his orders."

"Your research into my sister's condition is being paid for by the Crown," Baldaran said, "and so, though I may not be your King, I am your employer. And I have the right to relocate the project at my discretion, which I am exercising for the welfare of my sister as well as those of you on the research team, whose skills are highly valuable and not to be put at risk for personal reasons."

Reya fell silent, apparently at a loss as to how to rebut the logic of his argument.

"Please be seated and enjoy your dessert," Baldaran said, sitting down. "Ford can tell you about the Academy's research facilities, I believe; they are highly regarded throughout the galaxy."

"And rightly so," Ford said. "Critical research is being done there, including my own."

"You are a scientist?" Reya asked, surprised, as she took her seat beside Sabrina.

"I dabble. My most recent studies on Homeworld were in Wayship engineering, specifically Way technology," he replied. "I had hoped to continue working with my classmates, but now it appears that won't be possible, so I will work on my own. I have laboratory space at the Academy. Sabrina kicked my workshop out of the palace when she saw how much space I was taking up."

Sabrina said, "Only because the staff begged me to, dear. The cleaning staff were muttering about resignations, and even the Chamberlain had safety concerns. Bathir's not that large a palace. Anyway, if I hadn't done it then, we'd be faced with moving it all now, because I'm not raising a child with all those tempting, dangerous things in the house. Especially not your child!"

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