Chapter 25.1

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Not giving the Harileys time to object, Sabrina turned to Cynthia. "Cyn, would you mind asking Zeph to bring the children in?"

"Sure," Cynthia replied, nodding to the Harileys on her way out. A moment later, Zepharan appeared with Neralla in his arms. Corbin went right to Sabrina, leaning into her for comfort as he looked at his mother's hospital bed.

"When will she wake up?" he asked, looking up at her.

"We don't know," Sabrina said gently. "Do you want to tell her hello?"

He looked at the bed but didn't move. "Hi, Mama."

Sabrina laid a hand on his head fondly. "Corbin, these are your grandparents. You've seen them on vid, and they're looking forward to speaking with you in person. While I'm working, they would like to take you somewhere fun. Isn't that nice?"

He looked anxiously up at her. "You won't leave us, will you?"

"No, sweetie. I'm coming back, I promise. Then we'll go home again. Don't worry."

He continued to look at her for a moment, and she could almost hear him thinking, That's what Papa said. "Zeph is going to stay with you while I'm gone. If you ask nicely, maybe he'll tell you more funny stories about the prince."

Corbin looked a little less anxious. He turned to his grandparents and gave a little bow. "I'm pleased to meet you. I am Corbin. This is my sister Nera."

Miselle wiped a tear from her eye, and Ylar said gruffly, "We are very, very pleased to meet you both, Corbin. We have wanted to ever since you were born."

Miselle took a few steps toward him. "May I hug you?"

Corbin glanced at Sabrina, who nodded. Then he said, "Yes, if you like."

She knelt and put her arms around him, closing her eyes for a moment. Then she stood and held her arms out to Neralla, who shied back.

"She takes a while to warm up to people," Sabrina said. "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be great friends before the day is over." She looked at Corbin. "Behave, please, and look after your sister. Zeph will be with you the whole time, and I will see you for dinner, all right?"

"Yes, ma'am," he said.

Sabrina stepped over to Zepharan and gave Neralla a kiss on the cheek. "Be good, little girl," she said softly.

"Don't worry," Zepharan whispered to her, giving her a reassuring look. She hoped it meant he understood that he was to not only look after the children's wellbeing, but make sure their grandparents did not yield to any temptation to take custody of them illegally.

Sabrina stepped back, smiling at the Harileys. "I hope you have a wonderful day, and I hope we will see each other often."

"Thank you, your highness," Ylar said as they left. Sabrina heard Zepharan introducing himself and winced at her lapse in etiquette.

Seuréa and Merion entered next. As the door closed, Seuréa said, "You're not sending Corbin and Nera with their grandparents, are you?"

"No. At least, not yet. They hardly know them," Sabrina replied.

"Good," Seuréa said, going over to take Ranja's hand.

"No healing," Sabrina said sharply.

"I wasn't," Seuréa said, sounding hurt. "Cynthia says first I must do no harm. There is an oath one must take before one can become a healer."

"Don't be telling on me," Cynthia murmured, nudging at Seuréa with her elbow.

"Oh, Sabrina won't care. She'd teach me herself if she had time," Seuréa said, rolling her eyes.

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