Chapter 22: Recovery

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When Lyrabeth and Sastarn stumbled out into the waning sunlight, they were relieved to spot a group of soldiers hurrying along the creek bed. Three hours later the survivors from the mine had taken over the end of one wing of the Academy infirmary, making a nuisance of themselves by insisting that specialized equipment be brought to the secure area rather than splitting up the royal family, who remained unconscious. The argument Stecklan was having with the infirmary chief stopped abruptly as Baldaran strode down the corridor, one arm anchored firmly around a smiling Reya, followed closely by the Planetary Defense Commander.

"Subcommander," Mukryilla barked as Stecklan snapped to attention. "Report."

"Yes, ma'am." He gathered his thoughts and decided that a chronological report would get him strangled. He tried to prioritize instead. "The Inheritor is safe and relatively healthy. She is resting. The prince and princess are being treated for exhaustion and, in the princess' case, injuries sustained during labor. The baby is sleeping."

Baldaran grinned. "My niece! Where is she?"

Stecklan stepped aside and gestured. "The last room on your left, your majesty."

Mukryilla looked after the King and Reya as if she wanted to follow, but she didn't, saying in a low voice, "Casualties, Subcommander?"

"Yes, ma'am. Captain Evis and Doctor Merith. We were unable to find Major Kendara. And Lyrabeth Deirian has sustained a bizarre—I do not know what to call it, but she seems to have a Kyan weapon grown to her hand that she can control with her thoughts. She is in isolation at her own request; Pilot Sastarn is with her. Ranja Cadolar is in critical condition; she is in the critical care section since the equipment could not be moved. In addition to members of the royal household, we have with us Doctor Grayson, whom the prince brought from Earth to help with the baby, and a midwife and her child who helped with the birth."

Mukryilla nodded. "I know you are a friend of Scotty's, Subcommander, so I will tell you that he and the Guardian have not yet been located. There has been no Transference, so we think they are alive. That is all I wish you to tell Sabrina when she asks."

"Yes, ma'am."

She let out a long sigh. "We must assign a new bodyguard for the Inheritor immediately; that is a priority. I want you in charge of security here, since neither the prince nor the princess has a bodyguard with them."

"Yes, ma'am." Stecklan paused, then said, "I do not think it would be wise to remove the Inheritor from their custody until they are awake."

"I have no intention of doing so, lacking the authority," Mukryilla said dryly. "I would like to see them all."

"Certainly. This way." Stecklan led the way into the room at the end of the hall, which would ordinarily have been a large one but was crowded with beds. Mukryilla noted that Ford had at some point been awake enough to leave his bed and crawl into his wife's. The Inheritor and another little girl were curled up in another bed, and an exhausted-looking woman dozed in a chair.
"The baby?" she asked.

"In a different room. She requires some medical equipment that is rather bulky," Stecklan explained, leading the way out into the hall and into the next room.

Baldaran and Reya were looking down into a transparent cabinet, smiling, while another woman hovered protectively nearby, looking disgruntled. "Commander Mukryilla, may I introduce Doctor Cynthia Grayson of Earth?" Stecklan said.

"We have met before, I believe, on your last visit?" Mukryilla said, extending her hand Earth fashion.

"Briefly, yes," Cynthia replied, shaking her hand firmly. "Do you know where Scotty is?"

"He has not yet reported in," Mukryilla replied. "I will see that you are informed when he does, since I know Sabrina will be anxious about him. How is the little princess?"

"Her condition has stabilized," Cynthia said. "She's having some breathing problems, which isn't unusual for a baby born as early as she was. We also weren't able to keep her as warm as she should have been. Things were a little chaotic."

"I look forward to your report," Mukryilla murmured. She looked down into the enclosed crib and smiled. "She is beautiful. Look, she has her mother's expression."

Cynthia smiled a little at the look of consternation on the baby's face, which was scrunched up as if she were contemplating a difficult problem. "She had a hard time. A very hard time. I bet no princess ever had a worse birth, practically ripped out of her mother, who then nearly died. And her father didn't even notice her at first, poor little thing. But I'm sure they'll make up for it once they get over whatever they did to save us all."

"She has a great deal to live up to," Mukryilla said. "The blood of many heroes runs in her veins." She looked down at the baby for a moment more, then stepped away, drawing Cynthia with her. "Things here will be chaotic for a time, and I cannot remain for long. I am leaving Subcommander Stecklan in charge of security, but with Ms. Cadolar unavailable and most of the household staff scattered, someone will need to take charge of the royal household."

"I don't have the first idea how to do that," Cynthia said, daunted.

"Find a way. If you do not, Sabrina will feel compelled to do so, and it will damage her recovery."

"I'll do my best," Cynthia sighed. Surely it had to be easier than trying to act as Ford's bodyguard in a combat zone, she reflected.

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