Chapter 6.5

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"Thanks, Vafa," Scotty said to the com tech whose station he had appropriated.

"You're welcome," Vafa replied. "I hope they'll be okay down there."

"Me too," Scotty said as he left. The command center was only a few doors down; he slipped inside and eyed the holographic display in the center of the room closely. "Is that Khediva?"

"Yes, we believe so," Subcommander Rigeon replied. "She has only seconds remaining before she is visible—ah!"

Scotty's heart stopped as the icon dissolved into a bright flash, then faded into nothing. Before he could say anything, voices erupted over the com, including a distress call from Shipyard Three, reporting structural integrity breaches and possible loss of life support.

"Shipyard Three, report! What happened?" Rigeon demanded.

"There was an accident," the voice on the other end replied. "Wayship Khediva was under repair. The distortion wave damaged her, and there was an explosion. She has been destroyed."

Rigeon glanced over her shoulder at Scotty, who swallowed hard, then blew out a breath, blinking back tears. She said, "I am sorry, Scotty."

Scotty tried to kick his brain back into gear. "Uh. Thanks. Uh. We can't count on the Guardian anymore."

Rigeon raised her eyebrows. "Yes, thank you for reminding me. It seems we are on our own."

Scotty stared at the display again. It seemed wrong to him that Khediva and Tirqwin could have vanished so easily, and his heart hurt when he thought of Mara, trapped on another planet and having half of herself ripped away without warning.

Baldaran hurried in, followed by several aides. "Has there been any response to my message?" he demanded.

Everyone looked at him in silence. Baldaran frowned impatiently at them, then lost all expression as he realized something was wrong. "What happened? Have they fired on Bathir?"

"No, your majesty,"  Rigeon said. "There has been an accident at Shipyard Three. So far the Kyan have not reacted, either to that or to your message."

"Khediva?" Baldaran asked.

Rigeon looked at Scotty, who shook his head. Baldaran blinked hard, then said, "Subcommander, Major, I will see you privately. Everyone else, please proceed with your duties."

Rigeon and Scotty followed him out of the room. Baldaran opened a door at random; fortunately the office was empty. The door closed behind them, and Baldaran let out a long sigh, as if letting his public persona drain away. "Do we have confirmation?"

"No," Rigeon said. "Only Shipyard Three's report, and what our orbital sensors recorded. Wayship Khediva was attempting to move away from the shipyard, for reasons unknown."

"To escape. To get help. To get to Mara," Scotty said hoarsely.

Baldaran pressed his lips together and nodded. "Ford has been working with Father. Do we know if he was aboard?"

Scotty looked stricken. Rigeon said, "I have had no report of Prince Niavar's whereabouts. Commander Kimta may know."

"I could try Bathir again," Scotty said. "I gave them the signal to evacuate, but Sabrina might still be there."

"Please do," Baldaran said. "But do not tell her what has happened. I would not add to her troubles while she is responsible for Seuréa's safety."

"If Ford was aboard, she already knows," Scotty pointed out. He glanced at Rigeon, who nodded, and went out the door.


Sabrina gave Marie a hug, though the frightened girl stood stiffly and did not return it. "I'll see you soon," Sabrina assured her. "You'll like the Academy. Reya and Eshene will take good care of you."

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