Chapter 19.1

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The narrow path through the maze of piping didn't allow Lyrabeth to get in front of Ford, but when he rounded a corner and saw a Kyan ahead of him, he instinctively ducked, allowing Lyrabeth to aim her new weapon. This time, it produced a thin but steady stream of energy, and the Kyan staggered back, a smoking pinprick in its shoulder. Ford grabbed his blaster and put several shots into the hole, widening it and giving Lyrabeth time to adjust her aim and make some holes in its head. A thick purple liquid began to ooze out of its helmet, filling the area with a disgusting smell, and it staggered a few more steps before collapsing to lay in a twitching heap, blocking their path.

Ford said, "I wish I had something to collect a sample."

Lyrabeth took a mental inventory of her suit, but she couldn't think of anything that would work. "I think I should finish it off so we can keep moving." She stepped forward, careful to stay outside its reach, and used the weapon to cut a neat line across its neck. It stopped moving.

Ford said, "Wait." He switched on his suit's shoulder light and examined the weapon. "Can you hand me that for a moment?"

Lyrabeth held out her hand, but when Ford took the weapon by the barrel it refused to come out of her grip. He tugged harder, and she gave a small cry of pain. "I think some of my skin must've melted onto it," she said.

Ford looked closer. "I'm not so sure."

"What do you mean?"

"How are you firing that?"

"It's like you said: it responds to mental commands."

"And how do you feel? Tired?"

"Yes, but we've traveled Miah knows how many miles in here, at a pretty good clip," she replied, beginning to feel annoyed. "Why?"

"I think it's...integrating itself."

"What?" Lyrabeth stared down at her hand.

"The bandage is disintegrating; the weapon is melding itself to you. It's working off your nerve endings, I imagine," Ford said, peering closer. "Does it hurt?"

"Kind of a general burn. I thought it was just still hot," she said, her voice shaking a little. "You mean it''s taking over my hand?"

"You seem to be in control," Ford said, straightening and looking at her. "Aren't you?"

"Y-yes." She blinked at him in shock.

"Well, if it means you can kill them, that's a good thing for the moment. Come on; we have to keep going," Ford said bracingly. "Time enough to separate you again when we're done here."

Lyrabeth swallowed hard. "I'm in front this time."

"After you," Ford agreed, gesturing ahead.

She took a deep breath and stepped over the Kyan. "You don't want its weapon?"

"I don't fancy chopping its hand off to get at it. And it appears it's only effective once it's grown on you, so to speak. I'd rather keep my gloves for now."

You mean, you don't want to take the risk, she thought, but she couldn't blame him.

"I may have to handle explosives or other dangerous residues, and I'll probably need both hands to sabotage their engines," Ford continued. "Maybe on the way back."

After they'd gone a few steps, he added reluctantly, "You'll let me know if you feel, er, odd in any way?"

"I already feel odd," she admitted. "But I'll keep you updated." She paused, then added dryly, "If I feel a sudden urge to kill you, I'll try to at least give you a head start."

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