Chapter 8.3

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"We're almost out of time," Mukryilla noted, pulling on the boots Lyrabeth had gone upstairs to retrieve from her luggage. "Are you set?"

Radeth and Ricar were working frantically at the secure console. "Nearly," Radeth said, not taking his eyes off his task.

"You should go," Mukryilla said, turning to Sastarn, Lyrabeth, Pohan, and Eniris. "Before they approach the palace."

"We'll meet you at the Zhoern's Rest," Sastarn said. "Good luck."

"And to you. Get the civilians to safety, including those," Mukryilla said, nodding to the cats, who were sitting near Eniris. He had been the one to find them days ago as he went out to raid the armory, located in the vault with the crown jewels, and had ventured upstairs to the kitchen to find some food. They seemed to regard him as their new caretaker now.

"Yes, ma'am," Sastarn said, saluting. He waited for Eniris, Pohan, and Lyrabeth to climb down into the tunnel, carrying provisions and unhappy cats in their packs, then turned and looked one more time at his comrades. Ricar and Radeth were too busy for farewells, and the Commander merely gave him an impatient jerk of the head, telling him to get moving. So he did, hoping he wasn't witnessing history.

They made good time through the long tunnel under what had been the lake, emerging into the woods under a starry sky. Sastarn wished briefly for a flyer, or better yet a combat ship, to take advantage of the excellent flying weather and speed their journey, but he hesitated only a moment before following the others toward the city.

When the Reissians landed, their noisy ships audible for miles around, Sastarn paused and focused his night-vision visor back at the palace. "Two ships on the roof, and an armored personnel carrier at the back," he reported. "They're not taking chances. Do they think we're stupid enough to stage a firefight in the palace?"

"They don't seem to think much of us so far," Lyrabeth said. "Reissians are a warrior culture. The running and hiding strategy we've used gives them contempt for us. They'll underestimate us all along if we're lucky."

"Right up to the moment we throw them back out of our solar system," Sastarn agreed.

A muffled whump! was just audible.

"There it goes," Eniris said sadly.

"They won't burn down the palace, will they?" Pohan asked. She had been fretting about her work, locked up in the Chamberlain's office.

"If they do, we'll rebuild," Eniris replied.

"Keep moving," Sastarn instructed. "If the Commander catches up with us, she'll have our hides."


Sabrina woke at dawn, the last of her companions to get up. She appreciated that their schedule left the house's single bathroom available to her immediately. As she went about her short morning routine, she patted her stomach and talked softly to the baby. "It's not your birthday yet, Lily. Today you're staying put, okay? You're safe where you are. We'll get you to a healthy birth, one day at a time. Besides, you can't come until your daddy is here to greet you, or he'll be really upset. And so will I."

When she went out into the common room, only Ranja was there to greet her. "We heated the leftover stew for breakfast," Ranja said, "but I'm guessing you'd prefer a protein bar?"

"Yes, please," Sabrina replied, sitting. "Is Mikolal back yet?"

"He went to the upper pasture to talk to Bria and Isiri," Ranja said. "Reya and Lyssara are out in the paddock milking the goats, under Orlann's supervision. He asked me to tell you he'd be back in a moment, but to please eat your breakfast in the meantime."

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