Chapter 16.2

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The provinces of Bathir, Khator, and Pendarazloch were on the side of the planet facing the Way; Baldaran made sure his evacuation order went out to them first, while Mukryilla worked to ascertain the status of the fleet and orbital facilities. Deltarr was on the other side of the sun from Praxatillus right now, so it was not in immediate danger, but it was a long way to travel for short-range ships like most of those launching from the planet, nearly all filled above their approved passenger limits.

Fortunately, the Reissian ships seemed to be preoccupied with escaping the effects of the Way themselves and did not seriously attempt to shoot down the evacuating ships, although there were periodic spasms of harassment. Likewise, Reissian troops began withdrawing from the planet's surface, leading to momentary jubilation until the Praxatillians realized the cause of their retreat.

"Sir," a tech said, appearing at Baldaran's elbow as he studied the real-time orbital display. "Wayship Khediva is calling for you."

Baldaran turned so suddenly he nearly knocked the young man over. "Which console?"

"Here, sir."

Baldaran stepped into transmission range of the screen, which was filled with static. "Khediva, are you all right?"

"For the moment. It is, I fear, a very temporary state," Khediva replied, speaking loudly to be heard over the interference. "We are caught in the Way's threshold; I cannot escape using my realspace engines, and I cannot activate my Way engines without causing a massive disruption. Some of my fellow Wayships have gone in voluntarily, attempting to get their navigational bearings to relay to those of us not yet engulfed. The rest of us are attempting to shepherd other ships, hoping we may be able to take them in tow when we have calculated an escape."

"You believe you can?" Baldaran asked, trying not to sound too hopeful.

"We have no choice but to try," Khediva replied. "We do not know where this Way terminates, but it cannot be anyplace we wish to go. Maratobia is at present occupied in holding Praxatillus in its orbit as best she can, but it will eventually occur to her to try collapsing the Way. Please convey to her that any such attempt will result in the destruction of all of us caught in the Way. Tirqwin has tried to reach her, but she is concentrating too fiercely on her task."

"I will get the message to her," Baldaran said. "Somehow. Is there anything we can do to help you?"

"No," Khediva replied. "See to your population; you may be able to save some of them. The fleet is beyond your help now." She paused. "If we never emerge, your father wishes to convey his love and pride in you and all your siblings. And he commends Maratobia to your care."

Baldaran swallowed hard. "Understood." He cleared his throat. "Tell him we return the sentiment, and we will certainly look after Mother. Also, please know that we will search for you when we are able, and we will not stop until we have found you, or discovered what became of you."

"Thank you," Khediva said. She paused for a moment, then said, "We are approaching the threshold. Please tell me: do you know if Sabrina and Scotty are safe?"

"Scotty's with Mother," Baldaran said. "I have no word of Sabrina. I am sorry."

Tirqwin's voice cut in. "Good fortune to you, my son. I trust you will know the appropriate things to say in the event we do not survive."

"I will try, Father. May Miah's blessings go with you. Tell our ships I have put them under your authority while in the Way."

"We shall—" Static made Tirqwin's next words unintelligible, and a moment later the transmission ended altogether.

Baldaran took a deep breath, trying to compose himself. He could not allow himself to fall into grief when it was his duty to bring hope to his people. After a moment, he turned to find Mukryilla standing behind him, looking troubled. "What is it, Commander?"

"The Reissian ships are evacuating Praxatillus. However, the Kyan ships are landing more troops in Bathir, close to the mountains. I believe they have located their target."

"Seuréa," Baldaran breathed.

"I fear so. I have instructed our forces in Bathir to make best speed to the mountains and do what they can to divert the Kyan. But this means they are not available to help evacuate the population."

Baldaran looked around. He was well aware that he was surrounded by highly trained troops and several armored transports. "I wish I could be at Dansestari; it feels wrong to face this crisis anywhere else. But given that it is already evacuated, I will go to Bathir and do what I can there." He gave a grim smile. "Perhaps I will be fortunate enough to find my brother or Reya."

Mukryilla nodded. "I'll give the order. Do you wish me to attempt to transmit Wayship Khediva's warning to Scotty?"

"Yes, please."


Scotty heaved Mara down off his shoulder on the far bank of the little creek, setting her gently behind a large boulder he hoped would provide cover. His helmet displays told him the Kyan were getting closer, all of them among the trees now. He could not have outrun them even if Mara weren't close to dead weight—she was so focused on her task that she had blocked out most, if not all, awareness of her body.

He didn't think mere fire would deter the cyborgs, but he decided to try; maybe the heat would provide cover for a little while. Grabbing a handful of grenades from his belt, he lobbed them in a closely spaced pattern along the bottom of the tree line, then ducked behind the boulder with Mara. A minute later the trees were engulfed in flames. Scotty's helmet showed him that the Kyan had stopped, perhaps temporarily blinded, so he heaved Mara back up onto his shoulder and began making his way through the trees as quickly as he could.

He blinked to make sure he wasn't seeing things when the emergency transmission icon appeared in his field of vision. He'd already heard the evacuation order; what more needed to be said? He gave the command to open the message and realized it wasn't another broadcast after all, but a message beamed directly to his com.

"Tell the Guardian that collapsing the Way will destroy our fleet, along with Khediva," Mukryilla's voice began without preamble. "His Majesty knows she will only consider this as a final alternative. Wayship Khediva says they will attempt to navigate and emerge from the Way, but she does not know whether they will be successful." She paused. "She asked after you and your sister. I hope that will give you comfort." Mukryilla paused again to clear her throat and continued, "The Kyan are landing in the foothills in greater numbers; I have sent our forces nearby to your aid. Miah guide you, Scotty."

Scotty cursed and tried to move more quickly, grateful for the demanding task at hand to keep him from thinking about Tirqwin and Khediva—or, for that matter, any of the people he loved. At least Tythir was on the side of the planet not currently facing the Way, though Praxatillus' rotation would change that in the next several hours. He hoped his family would manage to evacuate before then. I wanna see my kids grow up, he thought wistfully. But to make that happen, he first had to make sure the Kyan did not capture or kill Mara and Seuréa.

He set Mara down behind the largest tree he could find, then drew his rifle and chose a target, hoping his sighting would be more accurate while the Kyan were stationary.

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