Chapter 18.1

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Baldaran didn't know what to expect as he looked down over the capital city of Bathir, but the calm surprised him. The principality's commercial spaceport looked nearly deserted, with only a few berths still occupied; apparently everything that could be used for evacuation off planet had already been launched. There were a few groups of people in the streets, but they were moving with purpose, not panic. As the transport flew over the Academy, Baldaran saw workers on the roofs and exteriors, apparently attempting to make the buildings as airtight as possible. There was a long line of ground vehicles on the road out to the military base nearest the city, where his transport was heading, and there had been a few traffic accidents there, but otherwise all looked relatively orderly.

He looked over at Mukryilla, sitting in the seat beside his. She was nodding in approval. When she felt his gaze on her, she turned to him. "They have not given up hope. I saw no looting or lawless behavior."

"Good. We will do everything we can to maintain their hope," Baldaran said. "This transport can potentially save a hundred children."

"And then how will you evacuate?" Treva asked wryly, though he suspected she already knew his answer.

"I will not be driven from my home," Baldaran said. "If most of my people are to die, I will die with them."

"And who will lead those who are left?"

"I have a brother and sister off planet. Or perhaps the survivors may choose to elect someone. But I doubt many Miahns will survive the destruction of the Great Crystal."

"True," Mukryilla murmured. "Where will you choose to make a stand? The palace does not look habitable, and the Legislative Complex is gone."

"The Academy. It looks as though there are many people hoping to shelter there." And Reya will be there, he thought. If I must die without any of my family present, I should at least have someone with me whom I love.

Mukryilla looked up sharply as the interior door slid open, and an aide came up to them, saluting briskly. "Your majesty, Commander, we've just had word from the First Fleet. They are moving in on the far side of the planet from the Way and await your orders."

Baldaran and Mukryilla exchanged a smile of relief. She said, "All transports are to land at commercial spaceports for evacuation, beginning on the side of the planet most at immediate risk. Troops will make sure priority is given to children and maintain order. Fighters are to harass any Kyan ships they can find in the mountains of Bathir. We must save the Inheritor. Any ground troops who can be spared from the evacuation should go there and attempt to confuse and divert the enemy."

"Yes, ma'am." He turned to Baldaran. "Anything else, sir?"

"If there is a ship outfitted with suitable sensors, send it out to examine the Way. We must find a method of closing it."

"Yes, sir." The aide saluted and left.

"I take it that you hope to find your brother at the Academy?" Mukryilla asked. "I cannot imagine anyone else currently on the planet who would find such data useful."

"No. Ford will have gone to find Sabrina," Baldaran said. "But I imagine we will find scientists in plentiful supply at the Academy. It is worth trying."

"Yes," she said. "I do not think we can possibly make the situation worse, in any event."

Baldaran smiled wryly. "I have learned never to say that. But it is truly hard to imagine the situation getting much worse." For a moment, his mind wandered through the possibilities, but he concluded that the planet losing atmosphere and breaking into pieces, killing billions in minutes, was almost certainly the worst case scenario. His own death paled in comparison; he did not even want to live through the destruction of his planet. He wondered if his mother would have said that was a cowardly way to feel, but then, she was probably going to die at the same time he was. There would be no reproaches, he thought. For the first time in his life, he did not have to think about how other people would judge his actions. It was exhilarating, despite the horror awaiting them all.
"I would like to find Reya," he said.

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