Chapter 14.2

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It was nearly nightfall when Kendara and Cynthia returned to Uphill Farm. Kendara looked invigorated, but Cynthia was exhausted.

"Well?" Merith asked, as Ranja hurried to set two more places at the dinner table and Sabrina pulled the casserole back out of the oven and turned off the heating element.

"It will do," Kendara said. "The generator still works, so we'd have light and heat. There's only one tunnel that accesses the shelter, so it would be defensible. I think the emergency door needs maintenance, but I didn't want to test it and accidentally cut ourselves off. I can take care of that tomorrow."

Cynthia eagerly accepted the warm beverage Evis handed her. "The infirmary was left fully stocked, from what I can tell. We'd have plenty of first aid supplies. But of course a mine infirmary was never meant for obstetric use, so I don't think much of it as a delivery ward."

"Noted," Sabrina smiled. "I don't plan to give birth to the next Princess of Bathir in a mine anyway. Mara and Ford were here earlier; the fleet has arrived in-system and they say it will all be over in a day or so. Then we can go home."

"Good," Cynthia said. "As long as home is somewhere warmer."

"This from a Boston girl," Sabrina teased, setting the casserole dish on the table.

"In Boston I had a decent winter coat," Cynthia retorted. "And gloves, and ear muffs, and waterproof boots. What's for dinner?"

"A kind of lasagna," Sabrina replied. "One of the families in the valley made some pasta strips and sent some up. It's vegetarian; I didn't think the goat meat would go very well."

"As long as it's hot," Cynthia said, serving herself.

"I liked it," Seuréa said. "Can I have some more?"

"After Cynthia and Kendara are done. They walked a long way today," Sabrina replied. She lowered herself carefully into her chair, rubbing a little at her aching back and closing her eyes for a moment. When she opened them, she let out a sharp gasp but managed to stifle the scream that was trying to get out at the sight of the Kyan standing in the far corner of the room.

Kendara, Evis, Merith, and Ranja leaped to their feet, weapons ready. Cynthia jumped a little, looking at Sabrina uncertainly. Everyone froze for a moment.

"You don't see it, do you?" Sabrina managed to say.

"No," Merith replied. "What do you see?"

"A Kyan. It's right there in the corner."

"Is it moving?" Ranja asked.

"No." Sabrina blinked, and sighed when the apparition vanished. "It's gone now."

Everyone sat back down slowly.

"I'm sorry," Sabrina sighed. "I don't know why I keep seeing them."

"Could it be a warning?" Ranja wondered. "From the Crystal?"

Cynthia noticed that Seuréa was staring at the corner with a frown. "Did you see anything, Lyssara?" she asked.

Seuréa shook her head. "There's nothing there. There never was."

"You didn't feel anything?" Sabrina asked.

"I don't think so. It's hard to tell. I hate all this interference," Seuréa complained.

"It won't be long now," Sabrina said. "When we wake up in the morning, this might all be over."

"That reminds me," Evis said. "With everything that's happening, I'd like to have more than one of us stand guard tonight. It's too cold for patrolling, but I could station myself in the hayloft. I'd have views both downhill and uphill, and the goats should keep the place relatively warm."

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