Chapter 6.4

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"I've got Control," Ricar announced. "Audio only though."

Sabrina pounced on the console. "Praxatillus Control, this is Bathir. What's happening?"

"An energy wave knocked out most of our defenses. A Kyan ship is in orbit threatening to destroy you if we do not surrender the Inheritor."

Sabrina glanced over her shoulder, but Ranja had enlisted Seuréa's help with the children, and the Inheritor did not seem to have heard. "We are all safe here. Do not comply."

"Stand by." There was a pause, during which Sabrina thought her hair would have turned grey if it hadn't already turned white.

"Bathir," said a new voice.

"Scotty!" Sabrina exclaimed before she could stop herself.

"We're trying to get permission to evacuate you."

Sabrina listened eagerly, expecting more, then glanced over her shoulder at Stecklan. He murmured, "He's telling us to get out. We'll have to go on foot in small groups so it's not obvious."

"But how?" Sabrina wondered.

Kendara said, "Emergency exit." She shooed some of the staff out of her way, then bent and pressed a button. A panel in the floor slid open.

"Dansestari," Sabrina said, then paused, choosing her words carefully. "Acknowledged. Good luck to you."

After a moment, Scotty replied, "Stay safe."

The transmission terminated, and Sabrina swallowed hard. She knew better than to discuss anything personal over a com in the presence of an enemy, but she wished she could have asked her brother where his children were and told him that she loved him one more time. She wished she could have asked about the status of the shipyards where Khediva and the Adventure were. She wished most desperately that her link with Ford would clear so she could let him know they were all safe for the moment and be assured he was safe.

When she had composed herself, she turned back to face the others. Her security team, including Sastarn and Lyrabeth, was huddled around Mukryilla's gurney, talking quickly in low tones. Ranja and Nerrill had the children and Seuréa playing a simple game that was the Praxatillian equivalent of rock, paper, scissors, while Marie looked on wistfully. Reya and Merith, she noticed, were participating in the security discussion. The rest of the staff huddled in small groups, looking frightened but calm, casting darting glances at her, looking for cues.

Sabrina cleared her throat. "Please remain calm, everyone. We will be evacuating shortly. Please follow the instructions you are given and do not take unnecessary risks. Your safety is of paramount importance to the prince and me, and we are sorry to have put you in this danger."

There were a few small noises and gestures of protest, but before anyone could speak, the security team meeting broke up. Everyone looked at Stecklan, who said, "I understand most of you live in the city. Please raise your hand if that is the case."

Nearly all the staff, save the Housekeeper, Groundskeeper, and Chamberlain, raised their hands. Stecklan nodded. "Then you will not need to carry supplies, so you will go first."

One of the footmen said, "The princess should go first! Your highness, you are more than welcome to stay in my home."

A chorus of agreement rose. Sabrina said, "Thank you. I appreciate your kindness and willingness to put yourselves at risk. But please obey the instructions Subcommander Stecklan and the rest of the security team give you. They are the experts, and we must all listen to them."

Stecklan said, "We will be taking the princess, the Inheritor, and Princess Marie to a secure location. You will understand, I hope, that we cannot tell you where. But if some of you would agree to house your fellow staff members who live in the palace, that would help."

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