Chapter 25: Home Again

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The next morning, Sastarn flew Ford and Stecklan to the palace, then returned to the beach house for his next load of passengers. Sabrina, Captain Terel, Zepharan, Lily, and the nursemaid Asdis went to the Academy Hospital so Lily and Sabrina could have checkups, while Sastarn fetched Cynthia, Seuréa, Captain Merion, Corbin, and Neralla.

The doctor prescribed more activity for Sabrina, pronounced himself satisfied with Lily's progress, and went to attend to patients who actually needed him, he joked as he left.

"Now what?" Cynthia asked.

"I'll take Corbin and Neralla to see their mother. Then it'll be time for Lily to eat again," Sabrina said. "Then I'll go over to the palace. Do you mind staying here, Cynthia?"

"No, of course not."

"Good. You can be the ringmaster of this circus while I'm gone," Sabrina said, managing a slight smile. "Asdis, would you take Lily up to the nursery lounge? I'll meet you there when I'm done."

"Yes, ma'am," Asdis said, smiling brightly as she took the baby. "We'll be fine."

Sabrina looked after them for a moment. Asdis was from the mountains, and she resembled Ranja except for her stockier build. At least Terel, a statuesque redhead with surprisingly delicate facial features, looked nothing like Kendara. It helped not to be reminded of her absent friends constantly, she reflected.

"Well," Sabrina said, looking down at Corbin and Neralla, "are you ready to go see your mother?"

"Yes," Corbin said.

"Seuréa, would you rather go over to the library?" Sabrina asked.

"No, I want to see Ranja," Seuréa said. "And I don't understand why I can't go with you to the palace."

"It's not a secure space yet," Sabrina replied. "You're safer at the Academy."

"Then may I visit some of the children here?" Seuréa asked.

Sabrina bit her lip. She didn't think Seuréa ought to be engaged in anything resembling official duties, especially without an experienced guide. But she knew that her goddaughter needed to feel useful. "All right. Only the children, though. Make no promises, Seuréa, when people ask you for things. Just say that you will do your best. Captain Merion will help you remember the things you need to tell me to look into and take down contact information."

Seuréa looked a little daunted, but she didn't back down. "All right. I can do that. But first I want to see Ranja."

They made their way into the long-term care ward and paused in the lounge to sort themselves into smaller groups before going into Ranja's room. At the main desk, the attendant said, "Welcome back, your highness. But I'm afraid Citizen Cadolar already has visitors."

"Oh? Who?" Sabrina asked.

"Her parents."

Sabrina bit her lip and looked down at the children. After a moment, she said, "Your grandparents are here. Corbin, do you remember meeting them when we were home for the coronation?"

He shook his head, and her heart sank a little. Introducing the children to grandparents they had only seen on vid was not how she had envisioned her morning, and she wasn't prepared. "I'd better go speak to them first, then," she said. "They'll be thrilled to meet you in person."

Cynthia asked, "Do you want me to go in first and announce you?" She had seen how people sometimes reacted when they weren't expecting Ford or Sabrina's presence. She supposed she would have had the same reaction if she'd ever turned a corner in her office and run into the President of the United States, or even Massachusetts' governor.

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